





In the present world the mentality of the people are changing. They have become more and more attracted towards the raunchy and the western culture. There has been a trend to follow the raunchy culture among the people, to a large extent. There are debates on the self-sexualisation of the women and their subjectification for the purpose of seeking environment. They do not abandon themselves from sexualisation. A large number of people believe that the tendency to self-sexualize by the women towards the raunchy culture give them the autonomy regarding their choices of the engagement with the beauty and the raunch culture. In this research paper the critical evaluation of such a claim along with the development of the instance related to the women regarding such autonomy has been discussed.
Raunchy culture, better known as porn-chic is identified by the major catch-cry for empowerment. Porn-chic is observed as the analysis of patriarchal ethics and embellishment in which the body forms the base for empowerment and approval. Porn-chic’s elegance is found common in music video making industries and advertising, and the practices associated with it have become much more respected. A gradual shift has been observed from sexual objectification to sexual subjectification, which clearly distinguishes between the ideas of objectification of women and the independent women, free to objectify themselves according to their own wishes and purposes. ‘Postfeminist’ is emerging as an empowerment tool through sexual agency which embraces fashion, pole dancing grooming practices, cosmetic surgery, etc. Women are landed with the choice to freely express and celebrate their femineity (Stokes,2012).