



Lim Nessim博士和2020项目已经违反了合同,对MedCare客户的业务造成了灾难性的影响。代表MedCare在美国地区法院提起违约。目前的问题是评估Nessim博士或2020年是否能够根据FSIA“外国主权豁免法”提起辩护请求,商业活动例外以驳回诉讼。
2020计划不能要求豁免权。它违反了合同义务在美国境内的合同。这是它应该履行合同义务的地方,2020年已经违反了这一规定。其次,它涉及影响美国境内企业的商业活动(影响在该国出现)。第三,效果是直接的。 2020年的行动产生了直接效应;没有干预措施可以帮助提供豁免案件。因此,建议MedCare继续提起诉讼,因为2020年申请和获得例外的机会非常少。

MedCare与2020项目达成协议,为其药品提供10年期限,其中还规定,根据Nessim博士管理的2020年项目将向指定银行支付这笔款项。项目2020违反了合同,并决定从印度购买他们的药品,因为它更便宜。 MedCare遭受损失,甚至不得不剥离生产设施,现在想要从2020年起宣布亏损。然而,Nessim或2020年可能能够援引FSIA 28 U.S.C.的例外条款3。 §1605(a)(2)。讨论是对2020年是否能够成功做到这一点的评估?


There has been a breach of contract by Dr Lim Nessim and Project 2020 that had resulted in a disastrous impact over the business of client MedCare. A breach of contract is to be filed on behalf of MedCare in the United States District Court. The issue at hand is to assess whether Dr Nessim or 2020 would be able ot raise a defense claim based on the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act FSIA, commercial activities exceptions in order to get the lawsuit dismissed.
Brief Answer
Project 2020 cannot claim immunity. It has breached a contract wherein the contractual obligations are within the United States. This is the place where it should deliver its contractual obligations and 2020 has breached this. Secondly it has been involved in commercial activity that has affected a business within the United States (The effects are seen in the country). Thirdly the effects are direct. The action 0f 2020 has resulted in a direct effect; there are no intervening effects to help provide a case for exemption. Hence it is advised the MedCare go ahead with filing their lawsuit as the chances of 2020 claiming and acquiring an exception are very less.

MedCare has an agreement with Project 2020 to supply their pharmaceuticals for a period of 10 years, in which agreement is also specified that project 2020 under Dr Nessim’s administration will pay the amount in specified banks. Project 2020 breached contract and decided to buy their pharmaceuticals from India as it was cheaper. MedCare suffered losses and even had to divest a production facility and now wants to claim losses from 2020. However, Nessim or 2020 might be able to invoke the exceptions clause 3 from the FSIA’s 28 U.S.C. § 1605(a) (2). The discussion is an assessment of whether 2020 could successfully do that?