




大肠杆菌是一种单细胞生物,大部分DNA细胞位于中心区域(Wang et al., 2001)。这被称为类核。它由一个圆形染色体的大环组成。它没有细胞核,也没有膜结合的细胞器。它们有被称为菌毛的结构。菌毛是细胞的一部分,有时用于转移细胞的遗传物质。与大多数细菌相似,大肠杆菌的细胞壁是由肽聚糖构成的。这是一种高分子化合物,有许多相连的碳水化合物和小蛋白质。在这种情况下,细胞保持了形状,防止了脱水。下面将详细介绍大肠杆菌的一些主要形态特征。

E. Coli is a portion of the bacterial family Enterobacteriaceae. It is also known as the enteric bacteria. It is a rod shaped bacterium. They are anaerobic bacterium. They are gram-negative rods and they live primarily in the gastro intestinal tracts. They can be present in animals of all kinds as the bacteria are very versatile. It can adapt to different characteristic habitats. Any substrate or medium with glucose is a place for E. Coli to thrive. E. Coli uses glucose to transform into macromolecular components that aid in the creation of the cell. The bacterium grows with or without O2. In cases of anaerobic conditions, it would grow by the process of fermentation and produce mixed acids and gas. However, it would grow by the process of anaerobic respiration. It has the ability to utilize NO3. This is the reason that the E. Coli adapts to the intestinal and extra intestinal habitats. The bacteria are considered to have origins from around 102 million. They have managed to exist in different conditions. It is imperative to understand the structure of the bacteria. Some of the unique features of the bacteria have been detailed in the following.

Some of the key ingredients of the cell are that it needs four main components. It is the plasma membrane or the outer covering of the cell. E. Coli is a prokaryotic cell. It has the cytoplasm that consists of the substance that is similar to the jelly. It contains the DNA or the genetic material of the cell and ribosome. The role of the ribosome is to synthesize proteins.

As a single cell organism, the majority of the DNA cell of the E. coli is found in the central region (Wang et al., 2001). This is known as the nucleoid. It consists of a single large loop of the circular chromosome. It does not have a nucleus and it lacks the membrane bound-organelles. They have structure known as the pili. The pili is a part of the cell that is sometimes used to transfer the genetic material of the cell. Similar to most of the bacteria, the E. Coli has the cell wall that is made of peptidoglycan. This is a polymer compound that has a number of linked carbohydrates and small proteins. The cell in this case maintains the shape and prevents the dehydration. Some of the main morphological characters of the E. Coli have been detailed in the following section.
