


抽样技术将取自零售商协会的数据。Woolworths将拥有其所有消费者的数据,并利用这些数据来识别忠诚、不忠诚、转移和稳定的消费者。其余数据将从零售商协会、社交媒体网站、反馈生成器和来自政府的消费者数据中提取。样本的大小没有定义,因为在这种情况下,样本中的人越多越好。当选举中有更多的选民时,结果更接近于多数人的声音。同样,当有更多的抽样参与者愿意进行个人面试或在线或电话面试时,结果会更加可靠(Franses和Paap, 2001)。这样的结果有可能带来对公司有益的最佳答案和解释。

研究设计将包括发送个人面试邀请的第一步,因为这个过程冗长而复杂。然后设计将包括焦点小组的选择,他们将同时选择样本并开始分析结果,以提供有意义的解释。研究设计仍将保持开放性,涉及更多的内容,如对忠实和不忠实消费者的特殊样本选择,与竞争品牌的非消费者和忠实消费者会面(Boettcher and Gaines, 2004)。这将使研究更加开放,提供大量的信息和数据供分析和解释,并与困难市场中零售业的最佳做法进行比较。


The sampling technique will be taken from the data of retailers association. Woolworths will have its own data of all their consumers and they will use it to identify loyal, disloyal, shifted, and stable consumers. The rest of the data will be extracted from retailer associations, social media websites, feedback generators, and consumer data from the government. The size of the sample is not defined, because more the people in the sample better in this case. When there are more voters in an election, the results are closer to a majority voice. Similarly, when there are more sampling participants who are willing for a personal interview or online or telephone interview, the results will be more reliable (Franses and Paap, 2001). Such results have the potential to bring out the best answers and interpretations which are always good for the company.

The research design will include the first step as sending invites for personal interviews because the process is lengthy and complex. Then the design will involve focus groups selection who will simultaneously select samples and start analysing the results to deliver meaningful interpretations. The research design will still remain open and involve more inclusions such as special sample selection of loyal and disloyal consumers, meeting with non-consumers and loyal consumers of rival brands (Boettcher and Gaines, 2004). This will make the research more open, providing wealth of information and data to be analysed and interpreted, and being compared with the best practices in the retail industry in difficult markets.