


The researchers could not conduct an exploratory or a qualitative analysis because of the lack of time, a similar lack of time could have contributed to skipping the pre-test step of the questionnaire data collection methodology. A pilot survey has a number of uses. It helps the researcher gain a fundamental understanding if the type of survey and if the tool used is effective in fulfilling the purpose of the study . By conducting pilot testing, the researchers can gain understanding of the impact of survey and how cost effective it could be. This would be an advantage because they help save the resources be spent for a particular research tool. This is the reason that the questionnaire should be piloted. In the case study, a pilot study would have helped address some redundancy in answers, questions could have been decreased to make them more specific etc. These could have made the quality of data collected in the questionnaire survey method more efficient.

In the current case study, use of SPSS tools, chi square and statistical testing has been conducted. The data collected and also the data analysis has been kept quantitative. The research could have benefitted from some form of qualitative analysis as well. Quantitative analysis will help reveal answers for questions such as “how many” of a phenomenon, but does not reveal qualitative data about the phenomenon (Neuman, 2005). In the analysis, the data collected could be analyzed using existing literature studies on marketing, sports based marketing and more. The use of existing literature evidence would have been useful to understand the research data better. The data could be analyzed from theoretical frameworks in literature studies and based on the same the objectives could be inferred as much as possible. This is a traditional analysis of data that would be recommended for this research.

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