


Liberal party leader and the then President, Pearson was instrumental in bringing the changes to the flag. The people wanted a new flag that resonated with the changing culture of Canada. The people were also instrumental in bringing the changes. The overall majority of the people wanted a newer design. The changing Canadian British relationship along with the rising nationalism in the state was the reason for the people to bring in a newer flag. Conservatives in the society wanted the red ensign to appreciate the founding members of the nation. However, the newer progressive flag was chosen to showcase modern Canada. To conclude, the flag change is an important expression tool that the people of Canada had used to tell the world which they have changed. This flag is a symbol of the changing events in the state.

The Tower Foods has to plan proper training and skill development programs for the employees and start appropriate personal management system to assess the performance of the employees. Besides this, proper rewarding and other motivational tools must be applied efficiently. Apart from this, the company should adopt some efficient strategies to reduce the cost and to improve the efficiency that will support the company in surviving in this competitive environment (Hersey, Blanchard and Johnson, 2014). The Flatrock Ltd must improve the communications between the different divisions of the company in particular between the various levels of management people.

The analysis of the organization behaviour for the Tower Food Ltd and Flatrock Ltd provides valuable insights about the work pattern and activities of the people of the organization towards their organizational responsibilities. The leadership and managerial style play an important role in the organization and build a proper work culture within the organization (Hitt, Miller and Colella, 2011). Both the companies’ leadership and managerial style had been assessed and according to the assessment, the action plan had been furnished, which support the companies in surviving as well as indicating growth in this competitive market.

Finally, there was a vote taken and the new maple leaf flag design was selected. The maple leaf design was selected as a symbol for Canada. It had become a symbol for harmony, tolerance and peace. It is a symbol of a tolerant and inclusive Canada. This is the reason for selection of the maple leaf design. The red and the white colors in the flag are the national colors of Canada from the year 1921 onwards. Each aspect of the flag resonates with the newer Canada. It was found to celebrate the newer emerging culture of Canada. This is the flag that modern Canada uses to identify them. After the Second World War, there was a newer emerging trend of nationalism that was found to exist in the country. The people wanted a new flag that was emblematic of the change. The people wanted a Canadian identity that was different from the British identity. Even though Canada and Britain have a good relationship that is found to exist, the people simply wanted a newer identity.

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