加拿大 代写:赫本的服装与电影的契合


加拿大 代写:赫本的服装与电影的契合

瓦莱丽M等人在书中从风格和时尚两个方面描述了男性和女性的关键运动、创新和发展。他通过最具原创性和影响力的设计师和国家的作品来探索这些。Valerie M等人收集了互联网和博客的影响,对1900年至今时尚、发型、化妆和配饰的重大发展进行了全面调查。瓦莱丽M等人在所有章节中都按时间顺序描述了时尚在风格和重大世界事件上的重要转变。研究的重点是1900年至今的时尚,因此这本书对研究产生了重大的影响。在这篇文章中,艾米解释了赫本的服装是如何由休伯特为电影《龙凤配》设计的。这些服装的设计是为了迎合21世纪的潮流。电影的爵士风格和时髦的外观是帮助奥黛丽定义电影外观的最伟大的设计。

加拿大 代写:赫本的服装与电影的契合

Valerie M et al. in the book describes the key movement, innovation and development in both men and women from style and fashion. He explores these through the work of the most original and influential designers and countries. Valerie M et al. collects the impacts of the internet and blogs with comprehensive surveys about the significant development in fashion, hairstyles, makeup and accessories from 1900 to now. Valerie M et al. has described the crucial shifts in style and major world events about fashion in all the chapters in chronological ways. The research focus is on fashion from 1900 till now and hence this book makes significant impact to the research. In this article Amy explains that how the costumes of Audrey Hepburn were designed by Hubert for film Sabrina. The dresses were designed in keeping mind the 21st century crowd and their trending sense. The jazzy style and trendy look for movie was the greatest design that helped Audrey to define the look in the movie.
Overall, this article explains how the need of the current generation has changed from the last 1900 till now. Besides, since Amy study is around all the fashion trends in daily lifestyle or in movies form the late 1900 till now, and hence this article is great source of learning for the research. Connie Roff has mentioned that Hubert’s designs and dresses were liked by iconic characterless as Kelly, Taylor, Kennedy and Simpson. The article indicates that his life has been changing form the childhood to the youth level by learning various design sense and design trends. Connie referred the life of Hubert form beginning to the first muse Audrey. This article is more about learning bibliographies of famous designer Hubert. Givenche also launched perfume and other accessories. The entire life as described in the article is one of the biggest design and fashion inspiration for the research. In the research, this article will be helpful as one of the design trend case study of Hubert.