


Senior leaders should take ownership in identifying employees with required/current skills or the potential to develop/acquire new skills, that can help them move upwards in an organization. Succession planning is a technique which identifies future leaders. It helps in maintaining continuity of leadership and prevents in creation of a power vacuum.
Transparent Communication
Leaders should communicate with their subordinates/employees in a regular manner. For example, a one-on-one meeting between an employee and his manager on a monthly basis encourages the employee to discuss about the problems faced by him, affecting his performance and seek his manager’s help and support. It also gives an opportunity to the manager to give a fair feedback to the employee about his work and let him know about his strengths, weaknesses and areas of improvement for better productivity (www.aon.com, 2011).
This two-way communication gives a chance to the leaders to motivate their employees and care for them by knowing them better as well as it gives an opportunity to the employees to express themselves to their managers. This helps in identifying pain areas of employees and management can work accordingly to help them in overcoming their problems.
Reward and Recognition
Workplace recognition provides a sense of motivation and accomplishment, making employees feel valued for their effort. Recognition not only boosts individual employee engagement, but it also increases employee productivity and loyalty towards the company, leading to higher retention.
The act of recognition also sends messages to other employees that they will be always appreciated for their hard work. It introduces them to success and confidence. Recognition is a personal reward to the engaged contributor, motivating him to perform to the best of his abilities, in line with the objectives of his organization. Thus, recognition is a key principle of management and is essential for achieving organizational goals.

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