

對歷史成本的依賴:財務報表中顯示的大部分成本或財務方面都是基於歷史成本的。資產和負債的價值變化非常頻繁,而有價證券等項目的變化與它們的市場價值相匹配(Macve, 2015)。除此之外,銷售和費用等其他財務方面都是基於過去的業務運營,對未來的機會和預期業績提供的信息很少(Hope, Thomas & Vyas, 2012)。因此,如果將財務報表中的歷史信息作為決策的唯一依據,那麼決策可能不會有效。忽視非財務因素的影響:財務報表僅從財務方面編制。財務報表沒有說明非財務問題及其影響。市場營銷、市場競爭、政府政策等商業環境因素會對企業產生巨大的影響(Healy and Palepu, 2012)。
這些因素必須與財務報表一起分析。不考慮未來戰略:戰略制定是業務的關鍵部分。但是,考慮到這一點,這方面並不在編制財務報表。這意味著投資者可能不得不依賴其他來源來編制財務報表。例如,財務報表可能突出公司的巨額負債。這些負債可能是因為未來將產生利潤的資產開發(Weil, Schipper and Francis, 2013)。這種考慮在財務報表中並不明顯。會計準則缺乏相似性:組織根據規模製定不同的會計準則。除此之外,不同的國家採用不同的會計準則,導致在編制財務報表時缺乏一致性。這往往導致決策效率低下,影響財務報表的使用者。


Dependence on Historical Cost: Most of the costs or financial aspects that are shown in the financial statements are based on historical cost. The value of assets and liabilities change very frequently while the items such as marketable securities are altered to match changes with respect to their market value (Macve, 2015). Apart from this, the other financial aspects such as sales and expenses are based on the business operations in the past and provide little information on the future opportunities and expected performance (Hope, Thomas & Vyas, 2012). Thus, the decision making may not be effective if historical information in the financial statements is taken as the only basis for decision making.Impact of Non Financial Factors Ignored: The financial statements are prepared using the financial aspects only. The non-financial issues and their impact are not addressed in the financial statements. Certain factors such as business environment which includes marketing, competition in the market, government policies etc. can have huge influence on the business (Healy and Palepu, 2012).
These factors have to be analyzed along with the financial statements. No Consideration to Strategy for Future: The strategy formulation is key part of the business. However, consideration to this, aspect is not in the preparation of financial statements. This implies that the investors may have to rely on additional sources for the preparation of financial statements. For example, the financial statements may highlight huge liabilities for the company. These liabilities may be because of the asset development which will generate profits in future (Weil, Schipper and Francis, 2013). Such consideration is not evident from the financial statements. Lack of similarity in accounting standards: There is different accounting standards that are prepared by the organization based on size. Apart from this, different accounting standards are employed by different countries leading lack of consistency in the preparation of financial statements. This often leads of inefficient decision making and affecting the users of financial statements.