


As a consequence of negative organizational culture that penetrated the entire organization, it can be reversed by learning different concepts of HRO and thus one can bring in higher reliability within the system. It helps the organization to identify risky environment with the help of very sophisticated technologies that have ran almost error free for a long period of time. I will help BP and Transocean executive to govern the environment and minimize the opportunity of accidents. Todd Laporte and Karlene Roberts examined some organizations as “highly reliable” owing to their high safety record over a long period of time. In 1991 Weick characterized five hallmarks of HROs, including preoccupation with failure, sensitivity to operation, reluctance to simplify interpretations, deference to expertise and commitment to resilience (Lekka, 2011).
According to these features, the BP and Transocean’s team firstly should develop continuous training program. The program will not only help to improve operators’ professional knowledge that they can use to solve a number of complex operation system issues. It will also help them to enhance their technical competence, enabling them to know how to solve unexpected problems that threaten system survival and recognize hazards. Moreover, it can establish internal trust and authenticity among co-workers; expertise should be secured during emergencies. During routine decision-making process which is layered, distinct responsibility differentiation should be done i.e. it should be clear who is responsible for what within the organization. However, when emergencies occur, responsibilities for decision-making should shift to workers who are equipped with expertise knowledge regardless of their hierarchical position within their organization.

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