


技术:这是技术创新的时代。智能手机,平板电脑甚至智能电视是我们日常生活的一部分。星巴克试图通过引入iPphone上的移动应用程序(iPhone是苹果公司的商标)以及Android TM平台(星巴克(a),2014),将技术融入其中。此外,星巴克使用云技术来“规划其IT创新战略,以保持竞争优势”,星巴克咖啡欧洲,中东和非洲(EMEA)IT主管Robert Teagle说道(Venkatraman,2014)。在欧洲,星巴克使用“Microsoft Office 365电子邮件和SQL云服务。它还使用Oracle Siebel客户关系管理(CRM)服务作为其与Oracle ERP平台绑定的忠诚度系统。“(Venkatraman,2014)。这些技术的创新和实施必将使星巴克在竞争中保持领先地位。然而,在今天的时代,技术迅速过时,新技术出现。因此,星巴克必须与不断变化的技术保持同步,并投资于这些技术。



Technological: It is the era for technological innovations. Smartphone, tablets and even Smart Televisions are part of our day to day lives. Starbucks has tried to incorporate technology in its efforts, by introducing mobile applications, available on the iPphone[ iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc] as well as Android TM platform (Starbucks (a), 2014). Moreover, Starbucks uses the Cloud Technology in order to “plan its IT innovation strategies to maintain a competitive edge” says Robert Teagle, Starbucks Coffee’s EMEA IT director (Venkatraman, 2014). In Europe, Starbucks uses “Microsoft Office 365 for email and SQL cloud services. It also uses Oracle Siebel customer relationship management (CRM) service as its loyalty system, which is tied to the Oracle ERP platform.” (Venkatraman, 2014). These innovations and implementation of technology will surely keep Starbucks ahead of the competition. However, in todays times, technology gets obsolete quickly and newer technologies emerge. Hence, Starbucks will have to keep in sync with changing technologies and invest in them.

Environmental: There have been several complaints made by Starbucks customers who are environmentally conscious, regarding the use of paper cups to serve coffee in. These cups are not recyclable (Allison, 2008). Moreover, Starbucks does not use recycle bins (Allison, 2008). Hence, the use of recyclable materials would be ineffective. However, this is changing fast at Starbucks, as they are offering a 10c discount to customers who carry their own reusable cups (Allison, 2008). In an industry, which is dependable on using products which cannot always be used again, Starbucks has a trash profile which needs to be corrected sooner rather than later.