


此外,Boone决定用正确的角色分配来启发每个人。他确保了角色的模糊性不存在。通过这种方式,他也减少了焦虑,让每个人都明白自己的责任,并在游戏中采取相应的行动。他既没有超载,也没有以必要的期望满足他们。有了这个角色列表,Boone也试着放下他的自负,与Yoast携手合作,为团队带来更好的变化。此外,他在团队中实现高度凝聚力的行动在比赛结束时确实产生了丰硕的成果。首先,布恩教练试图把这个职位作为一种权力手段。因为他是教练,是让球队赢得总冠军的人,所以他利用权力教大家。他还试图通过带球员去葛底斯堡来建立信誉,让他们了解这项运动的真正本质,也让他们知道一个人必须尊重另一个人(Beauchamp et al, 2003)。

否则,它们可能会被团队内部的战斗摧毁。这一幕确实改变了球员们的想法,拉近了他们的距离。其次,他还运用了独断和独裁的权力,他坚持每个人都要听他的指示,否则他们可能不得不面对后果。当他意识到人们对这种权力不满意时,他转而使用强制权力,将理性应用于每一个行动(Beauchamp et al, 2003)。第三,他运用了奖励权力。正是这一点在这部电影中引起了巨大的变化。路易·拉斯提克被鼓励好好利用这种力量。Boone利用正强化和惩罚来改变行为。每当实施这种强化措施时,路易就会受到激励。


Further, Boone decided to enlighten everyone with the right role allocations. He made sure that role ambiguity does not exist. By this way, he also reduced anxiety and enabled everyone to understand their responsibilities and act accordingly during the game. He neither overloaded nor failed to satisfy them with necessary fulfillment of expectations. With the role list, Boone also tried to let go off his ego to join hands with Yoast and bring about a better change within the team. Further, his actions to achieve high cohesiveness in the team did yield fruitful results at the end of the game. Firstly, Coach Boone tried to apply the position as a means of power. Because he was the coach and the person responsible to make the team win the championship, he utilized power to teach everyone. He also tried to establish credibility by taking players to Gettysburg for them to understand the real nature of the sport and also to know one has to respect the other (Beauchamp et al, 2003).

Else, they may be destroyed just by fighting within the team. This scene did make a great change in the minds of the players and brought them quite closer. Secondly, he also utilized assertive and authoritarian power where he insisted everyone to listen to his instruction or they might have to face the consequences. When he realized that people were unhappy with this power, he changed to coercive power where he applied rationality to every action (Beauchamp et al, 2003). Thirdly, he made use of reward power. This was the one to have caused huge transformation in this movie. Louie Lastik was encouraged to play well with this power. Boone utilized positive reinforcement as well as punishment in order to alter the behavior. Whenever this reinforcement was applied, Louie used to get motivated.