


今天,人们普遍配备了在网络上记录和分享内容的工具,当新闻被制作或发布时,人们开始变得更加活跃。由此而来的大规模自通信网络的扩张。这进而导致大量信息以新闻和数据的形式通过网络传播和培育。这些信息来自《新闻法》中专业组织的外部(Salter, 2009)。那些没有被授予记者身份的公民(公民记者)以比以前更快更容易的方式搜索工具来记录和分享图片、视频、音频、文本和相关内容。手机中包含的数码相机应用程序允许用户以即时的方式向社交网络、博客和照片共享网站上传照片。Finalcutpro是一款用于编辑功能齐全的电影甚至youtube视频的软件。不仅价格下降了,某些新技术甚至存在与之相关的伦理问题。现在,道德和法律在新闻领域的重要性从两个方面显而易见。首先,新闻是一个以人为本的领域,在这里,个人可以自由地表达他们的想法、感受和感知。

然而,如果没有道德规范来管理这个领域,以人为本的领域就会变成一个不健康的环境,滋生彼此的污垢,唯一的目的就是让彼此失望。这种没有道德底线的不健康竞争变得扭曲(Rosen, 2006)。第二,在努力维持社区和平时,法律可以发挥重要作用。由于不同的个人视角受到他们的文化或地区的影响,很难形成一个关于某人所做或正在做的事情是否正确的个人概念。因此,法律有助于区分好与坏,特别是在新闻领域,整个行业都是由新闻、内容、信息和信息处理构成的。此外,随着这一领域技术进步的增长而出现的日益增加的伦理和法律问题不能被搁置一边。独立的本地新闻网站和专业的新闻渠道都允许并鼓励用户贡献图片、评论和报告(Robinson, 2011)。公民有能力贡献新闻相关内容的Web服务是多种多样的。这些服务在结构、目标、经济模式、特别是伦理原则方面各不相同。共享信息的平台通常没有更多的最低规则,比如要求用户输入密码和用户名。


Today, widely equipped with tools to record and share content over the web, people have started becoming more active when news is either produced or distributed. The consequent expansion of mass self-communicators network. This has in turn led towards a large amount of information in the form of news and data over the web to spread and foster. This information comes from external side of the walls of professional organizations within the journalism code (Salter, 2009). Those individual citizens which are not given the journalist status, (citizen journalists), search for tools they can access to record and share images, videos, audio’s, text and the related content in a quick and easy manner than they did previously. Digital camera applications contained in cell phones allow the users to upload their image in an instant manner towards social networking, blogging and sites for photo-sharing.Finalcutpro is one software utilized for editing films that are fully featured and even in videos on You Tube. Not only the price has gone down but certain newer technologies even have ethical issues related to them. Now, the importance of ethics and law in the field of journalism is evident from 2 perspectives. Firstly, journalism is a people based field where individuals are free to convey what they think, feel and perceive.

However, without ethics to govern the field, the people based field converts into an unhealthy environment that fosters dirt on one another with the sole purpose of letting each other down. Such unhealthy competition without the presence of ethical lines becomes distorted (Rosen, 2006). Secondly, law has an essential role to play when trying to maintain peace in the community. With individual perspectives of varied kinds influenced by their culture or region, it is difficult to formulate an individual notion on whether what someone has done or is doing is correct or not. Therefore, it is law that helps in differentiating the good from the bad especially in the journalism field where the entire industry is made up of news, content, information and processing of information to form matter. Furthermore, the rising ethical and legal issues with growth in the advancement of technology with regard to this field, cannot be side-lined. Both independent websites for local news and professional outlets of news permit and motivate users to contribute images, comments and reports (Robinson, 2011). Web services where citizens have the ability to contribute journalism related content are varied. These services vary in terms of structure, goals, model’s in the economy and particularly in their principles of ethics. Platforms where information is shared are often inclusive of no more minimum rules such as requiring users to put their password and username.