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According to the experts, for tackling the problem of Beijing’s smog may take time due to a large number of industries surrounding Beijing city (Parsons, 2013) For effective implementation of policies and reducing the air pollution, the government of China has announced $ 1.6 billion for this year as a priority and controlling the PM will be the primary challenge for the government. For reducing the vehicle pollution an unusually editorial is published indicating the Beijing residents from using the car less for lowering the emissions.

The Ministry of Environmental protection has declared 12th Five-Year Plan and they emphasized on preventing and controlling the atmospheric pollution in the big regions and targeted to attain the PM2.5 target with a drop at least by 5% before the year 2015. During the 12th Five-Year Plan, Beijing has announced its coal reduction target. This city is heavily polluted by PM2.5 and here zero coal consumption targets is required, but still Beijing has shifted its focus totally on the alarming state of air pollution and it can be assumed that with the problem of air pollution will be cured in Beijing.