


一个关键的部分是客户发挥围绕游戏程序开发整个幻想文化。正如之前所阐述的那样,这款游戏的目标人群是那些拥有意愿和能力,能够在游戏中平均每周投入22个小时的玩家以及那些沉迷于幻想的玩家。这个团队是如此的专注和投入,以至于能够围绕他们已经准备好的游戏以一致的方式创造更多的电子游戏体验。仅仅是,暴雪通过调节和托管信息页面(Mullins et al., 2012)来促进社区的发展。这使得公司与客户保持一致的联系。此外,游戏消费过程也具有很大的灵活性,以满足客户的不同需求。它甚至在玩家连接到暴雪娱乐提供的电子游戏世界之前就开始了。

他们首先能够选择他们想要的服务器。每个服务器都由不同的可能性和规则组成。然后,玩家便会沉浸在一个具有世界交互性的不断照亮的环境中,在这个环境中,每个行为都对他们的个人发展和外部世界产生了真正的影响。据研究人员Levine(2007)说,这款游戏有一个独特的智能规则集,当玩家刚开始玩游戏的时候,游戏会变得很有趣,但现在已经达到了最高的排名。这使得公司可以将其流程与概述的产品以及产品与定价系统相连接(Kotler, 2012)。这反过来又使他们的流程与营销策略保持一致。


A key part is played by the customers to develop the entire culture of fantasy around the gaming procedure. As it has been illustrated out before, the game targets individuals with a will and ability of investing 22 hours per week average within the game and for those who are involved in fantasy. The group is so much focused and engaged that it leads towards creating more video game experiences at a consistent manner around their already prepared games. Merely, Blizzard helps in facilitating the community as it is known over their website through moderating and hosting informational pages (Mullins et al., 2012). This allows the company to stay in connection with their customers on a consistent basis. The game consumption process furthermore, also has much flexibility so as to meet the distinct needs of the customers. It initiates even prior to players who connect with the universe of video gaming provided by Blizzard Entertainment.

They first are able to select over which server they desire playing. Every server consists of distinct possibilities and rules. Players then get immersed in a constantly illuminating environment with world interactivity where each action has a real influence over their individual development and the world external to them. As per the researcher, Levine (2007), the game has a unique intelligent rule set which makes it fun when playing for people that only started as players but have now reached the top rank eventually. This allows the company to connect its processes with the outlined product and the product with the system of pricing (Kotler, 2012). This allows in turn aligning their processes with their marketing strategies.