


在当今世界,保持竞争优势有时极其困难。在许多情况下,公司不得不为留住客户而努力奋斗。然而,在这种情况下,一些顶级品牌不仅成功地留住了他们的客户,而且在市场上创造了他们的差异化(Tiplady, 2006)。客户很高兴,因为他们有各种各样的产品可供选择,但公司不高兴。他们必须想出新的点子和计划来留住现有的客户。如果他们不能满足客户的需求,他们就会失去客户(Shah, 2009)。西班牙市场的竞争也很激烈,Zara正努力重新赢得顾客。快速时尚的理念在很多方面都对公司有帮助,但本研究将着眼于利用这一理念来创造客户忠诚度(Min, 2016)。以Zara为例,它在市场上保持了“快时尚”的形象,并利用其供应链活动来留住顾客。这个项目将着眼于Zara的供应链活动,以及他们如何利用这个过程在顾客中建立忠诚。

Zara是西班牙的一个服装品牌,这个品牌的创始人是Armancio Ortega和Rosalia Mera。Zara于1975年在西班牙成立。这家店是Inditex集团旗下的旗舰店。Zara的第一家店以Zorba (Lu, 2016)的名字在西班牙加利西亚的中央大街开业。公司的扩张始于1980年,当时在葡萄牙进行了国际扩张(Waters, 2010)。1989年公司开始进入美国市场,并于1990年以法国市场的称号全面占领市场(Tiplady, 2006)。公司的使命宣言是:他们想要在环境受到保护的社会中实现可持续发展,Zara为保护环境付出了所有的努力。可回收的产品是在公司生产的可持续的包装程序,Zara的员工确保他们是符合节能标准(沃特斯,2010)。时尚市场的现状是充斥着众多品牌,权力掌握在消费者手中(Zhelyazkov, 2010)。他们可以选择任何他们喜欢的品牌;这种情况给公司带来了问题。


In today’s world, holding a competitive advantage is extremely difficult at times. In many situations, companies have to struggle hard only for retaining their customers. Yet, in this situation, some top brands have not only succeeded to retain their customers but they have created their differentiation in the market (Tiplady, 2006). Customers are happy because they have various products to choose from but the companies are not happy. They have to come up with new ideas and plans for retaining their existing customers. If they cannot come up with the needs and demands of their customers they can lose their customers (Shah, 2009). Competition is tough in Spanish market also and Zara is striving to get back their customers. The idea of fast fashion has helped the company in many ways but this study will look at the usage of this idea for creating customer loyalty (Min, 2016). Zara, for instance, has maintained the image of “fast fashion” in the market where they have used their supply chain activities for retaining their customers. This project will look at the supply chain activities of Zara and how they are using this process for creating loyalty among their customers.

Zara is a Spanish clothing brand and the founders of this brand are Armancio Ortega and Rosalia Mera. Zara was founded during 1975 in Spain. This store is a flagship store under the Inditex group. The first store of Zara opened in the central street in Galicia, Spain but under the name of Zorba (Lu, 2016). Expansion of the company started during 1980 when international expansion took place in Portugal (Waters, 2010). During 1989 the company started to penetrate in the US market and they fully captured the market by 1990 with the title of French market (Tiplady, 2006). Mission statement of the company states: they want to make sustainable development in the society where the environments are protected and Zara makes all the efforts to maintaining the environment. Recyclable goods are produced at the company with sustainable packaging procedures where the employees of Zara make sure that they are coping with energy efficient standards (Waters, 2010). Current situation of the fashion market is over crowed with many brands and the power is in the hand of the customer (Zhelyazkov, 2010). They can pick any brand they like; this situation is creating problems for the company.