


这不是一件容易的事情,在这方面有很多主观因素在起作用。我们了解到,完整的组织变革很难或根本无法实现。世界上有些人仍然认为气候变化并不真实(Kouzes&Posner,2006; Schein,2010)。个人贡献的真正含义和需要需要全体人民的理解。有些人认为这些情况超出了人们的控制范围(House et al。,2004)。这是动态的时代,人们需要适应变化,同时保留公司的核心价值。由于所有这些因素,科特的8个因素被用作公司带来或推导出变化的公式(Selznick,2011)。科特的原则被用作公司的主观性质和主要目标的公式。


Reflection Journal
Leadership is a concept that needs to change on the dynamic aspects of life. Some of the people I have met continue to influence my definition of leadership (Gardner & Laskin, 2011). We did a project for class that was from the perspective of the CEO of LoveNotes. This was a subject that required a lot of nuanced thought process. It was not easy to develop the appropriate tools for the development of leadership model. I felt that the Strategic Contingency theory was appropriate in this context. The paradigm that is related to relationship and leadership needs to evolve. For this reflection, I have used the feedback from my classmates and critical evaluation of myself to comprehend where I need to improve.
The purpose of this analysis is that I use these aspects to comprehend a better leadership model for the development of the people.

About Lovenote company Analysis
The presentation that was done for the class entailed the analysis of the Kotter’s Eight-Step Process. This was applied to the Lovenote company situation. Kotter’s 8-step process was used in this context to bring change management for the company. The main aim of the company was to improve the paper recycling technology. The tangible ways to bring change and the intangible emotional commitment from NZIE team for the creation of a strong coalition were analysed. We derived that the company needed a plan to recycle and wanted all the stakeholders of the company to be vested in this plan. However, it is not an easy task. For starters, this is a vague analogy saying the company should recycle and all the people need to be interested in the tasks. Hence, we tried to develop the specifics for the creation of the solution. In general, it is attuned that these jargons related to recycling do not create true impact for the company.