


考虑到国际木材市场和进入国际市场的各种形式的国际考虑。对于这一生产,分布和展览的电影发生在世界各地。Holly wood遵循的创新过程有三个突出的特点。第一个特点是通过瞄准各国同时进入市场的国际过程。为了增加市场规模,电影的产量不得不翻一番,电影制作商的钱花在了电影制片人身上。第二点是关于工作室在其他国家的移动。通过这种方式,可以创建一个更大的投资组合,以帮助获得更多的客户。通过与其他国家建立关系,通过在世界各地开设电影制片厂,电影的发行变得多样化。通过分布在世界各地的工作给予了欢迎的冬青木电影和人们开始喜欢这些电影。随着这些电影在世界各地展出,如在著名的电影节和其他重大事件的世界(波德威尔,75)。世界上的重大事件都被所覆盖。这些冬青木电影涵盖了世界上的故事和事件,如第一次世界大战和二战。这些电影中描绘的事件开始吸引全世界的消费者,因为他们可以与重大事件。实木薄膜之所以闻名于世,是因为该行业的创新和瞄准国际客户而流行的主要原因。本文着重阐述了使冬青木业成为国际市场的原因。这些原因与电影制作者采用的国际因素和创新过程密切相关。这些创新不仅被世界其他电影制作者所采用,而且他们给好莱坞的电影制作者提供了一个创新的地位(庄士敦,74)。


Various forms of international considerations were taken into consideration for making Holly wood an international market and for entering in the international market. For this production, distribution and exhibiting of the films took place all around the world. Innovation process followed by Holly wood had three characteristics that stood out. The first characteristic is about the international process of entering in the market by targeting various countries at the same time. For increasing the market size production of the films had to be doubled and the money spent on making these films was to be recovered by the film makers. Second point was about the moving of the studios in other countries. In this way a bigger portfolio could be created that help in gaining more and more customers. Distribution of films was diversified by creating relations with other countries and by opening studios all over the world. By distributing the work all over the world gave popularity to Holly wood films and people started liking these films. Along with this films were exhibited all over the world like in famous film festivals and other major events of the world (Bordwell, 75). The major events of the world have been covered by the Holly wood films. These Holly wood films have covered the stories and events of the world like films on World war one and World War two. These events depicted in the films started to capture consumers all over the world because they could relate to the major events. Holly wood films have been famous and the main reason of popularity of this sector has been because of the innovation and targeting the international customers. This essay has highlighted the main points that explained the reasons that made holly wood an international market. These reasons are in linkage with the international considerations and the innovative processes that are adopted by the film makers. These innovations are not only adopted by other film makers of the world but they have given an innovative position to the film makers of Hollywood (Johnston, 74).