


Sports First brand计划在南布里斯托尔开设一家新健身房。健身房的设备和服务可以同时满足男性和女性的需求。可容纳40人进行心血管和体重训练。它还提供尊巴舞课程和瑜伽服务。因此,本文运用营销相关的学术理论,提出了数字化营销的建议。这个建议的明智目标是确保品牌对目标人群的认知度。从品牌知名度来看,至少应该有1万名Facebook和Twitter的健身房粉丝,以及至少10篇主要被阅读的博客文章。根据Mintel 2015年的报告,成本、地点和长期承诺是人们加入健身房的障碍。因此,根据健身房离阿什顿门体育馆的距离设计广告是很重要的。英国豪华健身房收费每月100多£。简单的取消政策应该是一个需要宣传的重要方面。

2015年,全英国的健身会员数量增长了44%。人们越来越意识到健康的重要性(Mintel, 2015)。近五分之四的英国成年人承诺照顾好自己的健康。人们的健康意识得到了更新,只有12%的人拥有会员(Mintel, 2015)。这表明,新的消费者开始使用健身服务是有潜力的。计划行为理论可以用来吸引目标消费者人口统计学去尝试适合度制度。关系营销是保持消费者对健身概念的参与和兴趣的一个不可或缺的元素。我们将利用当代数字媒体工具,向消费者提供优质服务和体验的长期战略提供例证。提出了一种基于游戏化、社会认知理论和计划行为理论的数字化营销策略,以创造意识并激励消费者与品牌产生关联。


Sports First brand is scheduling to open a new gym in South Bristol. Gym has equipments and services that will cater to both male and female population. It can accommodate 40 people for cardio vascular and weight training. It also offers Zumba lessons and yoga services. Digital Marketing proposal for the same is proposed below by using academic theories related to marketing. The SMART Objectives for this proposal is to ensure brand awareness to the target demography. From the brand awareness there should be at least 10,000 Facebook, and Twitter followers for the gym and at least 10 blog posts that are mostly read.According to Mintel report 2015, cost, location and long-term commitment are the barriers to people joining gym. Hence, it is important to devise advertising based on how close the gym is to Ashton Gate Stadium. Luxury gyms in UK charge more than 100 £ per month. Easy cancellation policy should be an important aspect that needs to be advertised.

In 2015, all around UK there has been 44% jump in the gym membership. There is growing awareness about the importance of health (Mintel, 2015). Nearly four fifth of UK adults promise to take care of their health. Renewed health consciousness exists among the people and only 12% have membership (Mintel, 2015). This shows that there is potential for new consumers to start using Gym services. Theory of the planned behavior can be used to entice the target consumer demography to try out the fitness regime. Relationship Marketing is an integral element to keep the consumers engaged and interested in the concept of fitness. Contemporary digital media tools will be used to exemplify the long-standing strategy of providing quality services and experiences to consumers. It is proposed that a digital marketing strategy of Gamification, social cognitive theory and theory of planned behavior to create awareness and motivate consumers to relate to the brand.