



新闻标准的内容、质量、统计数据以及编辑独立性等方面都存在诸多问题。政府制定的法律是为了促进所有权的进一步多样化(迈克尔斯)。由于2007年制定的《跨媒体所有权规则》的立法变化,这种集中度根本没有下降,甚至还在进一步上升。2003年至2010年,获发牌照的广播服务总数由306个增至317个,而牌照管制员的数目则由42个减至39个。除此之外,澳大利亚通信和媒体管理局(Australian communication and media authority)监控的报纸总数没有任何变化,不过其他控制机构的数量已经从13家下降到了8家。由于同样的原因,新闻和时事的集中化的动机也大大增加了(默多克142)。


Because of the changes in the media ownership policies, there has been a reinforcement of the concentration in the Australian media. The governments in the recent times have also failed to avoid the same. The issues related to the concentration of media is because of the low funding of Australian Public Service broadcasting mediums and the lower amount of share for the audience. Another issue in Australian media ownership is the lack of rules which includes professionalism in the news paper and print media leading to the irregularity in accuracy in the media. The Australian media generally led by Murdoch talks mainly about the top end business interests. Both the print media and the broadcasting media in the present times are offering the platforms for the views related to the right wing think tanks. These think tanks are being funded from some of the undisclosed contributors including the corporations such as Sydney institute, the institute for public affairs and the centre for independent studies. In the past few years, there have been successive governments who have continued to avoid the media ownership issues and have avoided vexing the public interests on the regular basis.

There have been a number of issues related to the content, the quality, the stats related to the journalism standards and the editorial independence. The laws which has been formulated by the government has been designed which promotes further diversity in ownership (Michaels). As a result of the legislative changes in the cross media ownership rules which has been created in the year 2007, the concentration isn’t decreasing at all and is even increasing further. From the year 2003 to 2010, the total number of licensed broadcasting services has witnessed an increase from 306 to 317 and the number of license controllers have fell from 42 to 39. In addition to this, the total number of newspapers which have been monitored by the Australian communication and media authority hasn’t changed at all, though the number of other controlling organizations have fell from 13 to 8. As a result of the same there is a huge increase in the incentive in the centralization of the news and the current affairs (Murdock 142).