





Why is there a necessity for modelling basin terrains in the context of flooding? The answer is presented in many research contexts. Modelling is necessary for ensuring that there is some basic strategies to address the flood situations in advance (Bennett, 1998). Storm water and water shedding issues are increasingly becoming prevalent in current times and having some form of a detailed watershed model would be helpful here. The watershed model addressing strategic issues of the temporal and the spatial water runoff when necessary is seen to increase planning advantages. The Hydrologic Modeling System (HMS) is basically a “physically-based distributed-parameter model” which can be used in the context of analyzing large river basins. This is a system that is useful for the simulation of hydrologic processes.

Some of the hydrologic processes that are studied with the HMS are the vertical soil moisture flow, the evapotranspiration (ET) rates in the river basin, the forms and rates of infiltration, the channel flow and more. Different storage zone simulation is possible here based on the river basin under study. The maximum capacity or the depth of the storage zone is calculated here, the storage condition based on the depth of the zone and other conditions as pertaining to the river basin under study, the maximum percentage of fill in the case of each zone, the transfer rates and more are also managed using the HMS modelling system. The use of the SMA algorithm in order to study the basin with the HMS is what brings the model performance benefits and significance. An example of the SMA parameters used in the case of the Blue Nile water shed simulation study is presented below.