


组织行为学研究的是组织内部的群体动态,有助于更好地管理组织。组织的个性、工作文化、工作动机因素、授权等都是组织行为的一部分(Gist, 1986)。通过阅读案例研究,我们可以发现许多组织行为问题。正如公司的哈里所说,主要原因是工作满意度似乎较低。一些员工觉得公司正在尝试从重新设计到授权的各种方法,但他们似乎不信任自己的员工。其次,公司本身似乎并不倾向于变革管理。虽然有一些问题解决团队被认为倾向于变更管理,但是那些应该扮演变更管理负责人角色的部门主管却不是。在这种情况下,组织的主要组织行为问题是组织没有准备好变革。可以看出,该组织的管理主管还没有做好变革的准备。

一旦问题解决团队提出了想法,每个管理主管就会提出为什么变更不可行的问题。变更管理计划应该使用组织的领导者作为主要的变更参与者。变革管理不是在真空中发生的,有员工参与其中,必须让员工了解变革管理的原因、意义等。没有这些,就会有变更管理的阻力。这就是公司目前的情况,存在着管理变革的阻力。通过适当的信息共享,可以增加工作场所的信任,而这正是目前所缺失的。为了做到这一点,管理者必须对员工更加开放和乐于助人。在这里,双循环学习过程将有助于确保可选的学习,并且策略实践在组织中是允许的(Mullins, 2007)。变更管理必须作为一种文化在公司中发起,以使其成功,否则OB问题将会减少收益。


Organizational behaviour is the study of that group dynamics within an organization, which would help in managing the organization better. Personality of the organization, work culture, work motivation factors, empowerment and more are part of the organizational behaviour (Gist, 1986). On a reading of the case study, there are many organizational behaviour problems that can be identified here. Primarily there seems to be less job satisfaction as Harry from the company stated. Some employees felt that the company was trying a variety of approaches from re-engineering to empowerment, but did not seem to have trust in their employees. Secondly, the company itself did not seem to be inclined towards change management. While there were problems solving teams that were seen to be inclined towards change management, the department heads who are supposed to act as the change management heads were not. Given this context the main organizational behavioural problem for the organization is that the organization is not change ready. It is seen that the managing heads of the organization are not change ready.

Once the problem solving teams have come up with ideas, each of the managing heads comes up with issues for why the change would not be feasible. A change management initiative should use the leaders of the organization as the main change actors. The change management does not happen in vacuum, there are employees involved and the employees have to be informed on why the change management is done, the significance and more. Without this, there would be change management resistance. This is the situation in the company at present, there is change management resistance. By proper information sharing trust can be increased in the workplace and this missing at present. Managers must become more open and forthcoming with their employees in order to achieve this. A double loop learning process would be helpful here to ensure alternative learning, and strategy practices are allowed in the organization (Mullins, 2007). Change management must be initiated as a culture in the company for it to be successful or else the OB issues would mitigate the benefits.