


COFCO Xinjiang Tunhe Co. Ltd is a world’s largest organisation in tomato processing industry. The strengths of the company are the internal factors of the company. The main strength of the company is the capital. It is because the COFCO is the government undertaking company. The China government owned the company. The capital of the company is a strong point of the company. Resources of the company are the strength for the company. Experience is the second thing for COFCO Company, because the company has been in the field of food processing since 1952. The main location of the company is in China and the company is now working worldwide. The company seems to have huge market. Quality is another thing that the company can proud of. The products of the company have really good quality, for this, they have international buyers. They do not believe in less than highest quality. Management of the company is good and the president of COFCO Xinjiang Tunhe Co. Ltd is hard working and can forecast of thing really well. The company divides in many sub managers, technicians and staffs to maintain the company really well. The management of the company is working on the improvement of the tomato seeds and the technological issues. Further research is needed in this case.

The company is a government owned company and it has been working since long time. The weakness of the company can be competitive strengths. The competitive nature of the company lacks as the company is owned by government. This agriculture based industry can grow without any difficulty as the government has been assisting this. Government plays roles in improving of the business. Plan predictability can be another problem of the COFCO as the company is working on various scales and cash drain. According to Liang, Yu, Feng et al. (2011) gaps in capabilities are another weakness for them they need to monitor their capability and then, they should make the other problems. The management should evaluate capabilities of the company. The core issues of the company need to discuss in the management.

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