


在这种情况下,折磨没有停止,它伤害了观众,此外,个人谁吓唬别人。旁观者都很焦急,他们可能是下一个受害者。不管他们对被折磨的人感到难过的可能性有多大,旁观者都避免卷入其中。他们牢记最终目标是为了确保他们的安全,或者因为他们不确定该做什么(Litman et al., 2015)。那些知道自己可以通过暴力和敌意逃脱的恃强凌弱的孩子,成年后也会继续这样做。他们有更高的机会被要求约会敌意,不适当的行为和犯罪行为在未来的道路(Litman et al., 2015)。折磨和挑衅造成的拉伸和紧张会让孩子们学习起来更麻烦。
它会带来固定的麻烦,降低他们的中心能力,这影响了他们回忆所学知识的能力(Van der Zanden, Denessen & Scholte, 2015)。骚扰是令人痛苦和屈辱的,受折磨的孩子会感到羞辱、被殴打和丢脸。如果这种痛苦得不到缓解,折磨甚至会引发自杀或粗暴行为的想法(Van der Zanden, Denessen & Scholte, 2015)。书中还提出了一些关于欺凌的神话,这对成年人(家长、儿童顾问、教师等)非常重要。被欺负学生周围的成年人往往会给孩子提出反对欺负者的建议,但他们往往忽视了欺负者的心理(Van der Zanden, Denessen & Scholte, 2015)。


In the case tormenting is not ceased, it harms the spectators, and additionally the individual who spooks others. Onlookers are anxious and they could be the following casualty. Regardless of the possibility that they feel bad for the individual being tormented, the onlookers abstain from getting involved. They keep in mind the end goal to secure them or because they are not certain what to do (Litman et al., 2015). Bully kids who learn they can escape with brutality and hostility keep on doing the same in adulthood. They have a higher shot of getting required in dating hostility, inappropriate behaviour and criminal conduct further down the road (Litman et al., 2015). Stretch and tension created by tormenting and provocation can make it more troublesome for children to learn.
It can bring about trouble in fixation and decline their capacity to centre, which influences their capacity to recollect things they have learned (Van der Zanden, Denessen & Scholte, 2015). Harassing is excruciating and mortifying, and kids who are tormented feel humiliated, battered and disgraced. In the event that the agony is not eased, tormenting can even prompt to thought of suicide or rough conduct (Van der Zanden, Denessen & Scholte, 2015).Book also suggests some myths regarding bullying, which are of great importance for adults (parents, child councillors teachers etc.). Often the adults surrounding the victim student give the advice to the kid about taking stand against the bully, but they often neglect the psychology of the bully (Van der Zanden, Denessen & Scholte, 2015).