


商业企业是从事大规模生产和销售商品的企业。他们对这个国家的经济有着深远的影响。任何政治或立法的改变都会对商业企业产生影响。在自由贸易协定中,各国就增加贸易和经济活动的具体任务达成协议。自贸协定通常有三种类型。它们是单边协定、双边协定和多边协定。单边协议是指个别国家失去了一些贸易协议的授权(Saggi, and Yildiz, 2010)。双边协议是两国之间达成的协议,它们同意相互制定协议,并降低这些国家之间的特定关税和进口税(Baldwin, 2006)。这是为了增加两国之间的贸易,并带来更好的政治关系。在多边协定中,许多国家都在进行贸易协定。

北美自由贸易协定就是这样一个广受欢迎的贸易协定。在这方面,串通国为成员国的商业企业提供了激励。这个过程是为了确保所有合作国家都能从这个过程中受益(Milner和Kubota, 2005)。这直接影响到在国家范围内经营的商业企业。这些影响会导致现金流量的增加或导致负的现金流量。它们还造成某些外部因素,从而导致成本增加。下面将详细说明这些过程的优点和缺点。自由贸易为促进个体经济增长带来了诸多优势。自由贸易主要用于为各国带来经济优势。人们发现,经济活动的兴起使个别国家受益。商业企业首当其冲地受到自由贸易协定的影响。自由贸易的概念带来了许多好处。


Commercial enterprises are involved in large-scale production and sales of goods. They have profound impact on the economies of the country. Any political or legislative changes will have impact on the commercial enterprises. In FTAs the countries agree upon specific mandates for increasing trade and economic activities. FTA agreements are usually of three types. They are unilateral agreements, bilateral agreements and multilateral agreements. A unilateral agreement is when individual countries lose some of their trade protocol mandates (Saggi, and Yildiz, 2010). Bilateral agreements are between two countries that agree to mutually work out deals and reduce specific tariff, import duty between these countries (Baldwin, 2006). This is to increase trade between the countries and to bring in better political affiliations. In multilateral agreements many countries are in the process of the trade agreements.

NAFTA is one such popular trade agreement. In this the colluding countries provide incentives for the member countries commercial enterprises. This process is to ensure that all the partnering countries are benefitted from this process (Milner and Kubota, 2005). This has a direct impact on the commercial enterprises operating within the state. These impacts cause increase in cash flow or leads to negative cash flow. They also cause certain externalities, which subsequently leads to increase in cost. The advantages and disadvantages of these processes are explained in detail in the following. Free trade brings in numerous advantages to facilitate economic increase in the individual increase. Primarily free trade has been employed to bring in economic advantage for the countries. It has been found that the individual countries benefit by the rise of the economic activities. Commercial enterprises face the brunt of the impact of the free trade agreements. There are numerous benefits that have been observed with the concept of free trade.