


Australia as a continent is a small domain with a surplus economy, whereas Asia on the other hand is comprised of a number of countries that have been developing in a steep pace. Some of the bigger countries of the continent are being considered for calculation of Asia’s GDP; they are China, Japan and India. These countries have good and established trade relationship with Australian domain and have taken trade to newer heights.
According to continents share a strong bong in between them regarding trade and commerce, it had been estimated that Australia is one of the major stakeholders in Asian countries; it invests massive capital into the Asian countries and is a massive consumer of the imported products from Asia. Economists, who have been evaluating on the business relations in between Asia and Australia, have criticized that it has been long since Australia has brought about amendments in the trading possibilities and are not having a keen look on the productivity of their firms situated in different parts of Asia. On the other hand, Asia’s has amended their flaws to certain extend and are endorsing newer horizons in world trade.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP), is a calculative sum of the private consumption, gross investment, government, import and exports taken together. GDP growth rate of a country determines the amount of all the services and products produced at a given period of time. Gross domestic product of a country determines the amount of products and services that are produced by the country individually. In accordance with claimed that investment can be divided into different categories for a particular nation. According to the number of heads of a nation, it is possible to determine the per capita income of a population. Gross domestic product of a province is directly related to the growth in trade of that economy. In the contemporary era; trade and commerce have gained high priority within the global market for its huge impact on a particular nation’s GDP growth rate. The growths of the GDP of Australia and Asia are discussed below:
Growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Australia: In terms of trade and commerce, Australia has a very strong GDP growth rate. It is one of the world superpowers with a huge turnover. The growth rate is stark with inclusion and accumulation of trading with the different countries of the world.
Growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Asia: Asia’s accumulated GDP growth rate depends on the performance of the larger countries in it. It had a comparatively slower, but constant growth in the economic growth rate. The countries like China, India and Japan lead in the economic value, providing a growing economic status to Asia.

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