
essay 代写:缩减开支对员工的影响

essay 代写:缩减开支对员工的影响

再往前看,考虑到缩减开支的问题,失业不仅对被解雇的雇员来说是一种压力,而且对管理人员来说也是一种压力。这导致对与人力资源有关的职能的性质产生重大影响。人力资源部主要参与人力资源开发、继任规划和绩效评估等职能。所有这些都将重点放在提高每一个员工的素质以及商业组织的竞争优势上。由于紧缩,这些职能有可能产生积极或消极的影响。人力资源部似乎在整个组织的裁减过程中发挥了关键作用。这种调动的影响在本部门最为突出,因为人力资源的过程发生了重大变化。人力资源的功能肯定会受到一定程度的影响,因为人们在承认自己的缩减后往往会产生心理反应(Prno和Slocombe, 2012)。
组织部门的每一位员工都受到裁员的影响,甚至包括仍在公司工作的员工。他们可能会因为劳动力减少而产生情绪反应,典型的情绪包括愤怒、恳求、震惊和否认。在这段时间里,当员工被处理的时候,单独考虑所有的个人是很重要的。从具体意义上说,采矿企业应把重点放在建立良好的关系上,使当地社区受到有关业务的高度影响。重要的是要密切关注矿业的进展,在每个人的利益范围内采用更可持续的方法(Dickie and Dwyer, 2011)。采矿项目对环境有重大影响,有各种法律框架给管理人员在执行项目方面带来挑战,同时也严重依赖小工具和其他一些技术。这需要考虑到可持续性理论,以便与矿山附近的每一个社区建立良好的关系。

essay 代写:缩减开支对员工的影响

Further ahead, considering the issue of retrenchment, the loss of employment cannot only be considered as stressful for the laid off employee, but also the managers. This results in having a significant impact on the nature of functions related to human resource. The department of human resource mostly has key involvement in functions like development of human resource, succession planning and appraisals of performance. All of these have key focus to enhance the quality of each and every employee along with the competitive edge of a business organization. There are chances that such functions would either have a positive or negative impact as a result of the retrenchment. The department of human resource seems to be playing a crucial role in the process of retrenchment across the organization. The impacts of this kind of a move is most prominent in this department as there is a significant change in the processes of human resource. The functions of human resource are well bound for being impacted in some way or the other, as people tend to deliver psychological reactions after they acknowledge their retrenchment (Prno and Slocombe, 2012).
Each and every employee across the organizational departments is impacted by layoffs, even including the employees still working at the organization. They may tend to deliver emotional reactions as a result of the reduced workforce, running the emotions typically that includes anger, pleading, shock and denial. It is important for considering all of the individuals separately when the employees are dealt with in this period. In the specific sense, the mining business should be having key focus on the establishment of good relationships, with the local communities highly affected by the related operations. It is important to keep tabs for the progress of mining industry in the adoption of more sustainability approach within the interest of everyone (Dickie and Dwyer, 2011). The projects of mining have a significant impact on the environment, and there are various legal frameworks creating challenges for the managers in the implementation of projects, while there is a major dependence on gadgets as well as a number of other technologies. This requires the consideration of sustainability theory for the establishment of good relationship with each and every community near the mines.