


For the aggregation of data, there was collection and expression of information in the form of a summary for purposes related to analysis of statistics. For the summary of data and key results, there was a rolling up of detailed research in brief yet precise form. Summarized data is important to provide a brief of the entire research that saves time for reading the entire research.

SPSS is of huge significance that organizations use for recording data of research. SPSS is referred to as a statistical package for social science, providing the best scope of quantitative analysis.

For the reporting of research, there is a standard format set, but there can be use of graphs and chart, tables and texts. These ways help in ensuring better clarity and speed.Graphs and charts are used most preferably when there is collection of primary and numerical data.Graphs and charts are used for the presentation of data as they ensure a better and clear understanding of the key findings.

The key objective of a research proposal focuses on presenting and justifying the key requirement for studying a research issue. This is also important for presenting the practical approaches to be considered in conducting the research.

The elements of design and procedures to conduct the research are under the governance of standards in the discipline of predominance for residing the issue, such that guidelines for the outline are less formal and more precise in comparison with a general proposal of project.

The research report and the key findings have to be submitted and submitted with the higher authorities of the organization who make important decisions related to the organization and the subject of the research.

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