

你如何為分數表選擇標題和標準;標題是基於文章中給出的問題。確定哪種管理方法最有效的問題。我選擇標題的方式是列出使用的不同的管理方法,然後有一個單獨的標題,以產生差異和最終的標題——總結出最有效的管理方法。這更適合用來評估答案。我的評分標準非常嚴格,因為它會對論文進行全面的評估。以下5個方面使市場營銷的標準非常明顯(Boltz, 2003)。內容的恰當性和與問題的相關性。所呈現內容的清晰、簡潔和邏輯性。內容中的語法和標點符號。引用內容以支持要點。


文章的整體呈現,一篇文章或一個答案完全基於上述五個方面。事實上,這些能使文章完整。對於要標註的答案,我不僅要閱讀答案,還要檢查它們是否匹配正確。雖然這五個點是相同的,但是評估表的關鍵將因問題而異。對於這個問題,答案僅限於不同規模企業採用的不同類型的管理方法。樣式也將作為標準的一部分進行評估(Stebbins, 2006)。這個問題特別值得討論。因此,風格應該包含論點,比較和對比點,使觀點清晰。標記表是根據附錄1中的標準編寫的。標記將按照每個標準的正確性來進行。


How you selected the headings and criteria for the mark sheets;The headings are based on the questions given in the essay. The question to identify which management method is most efficient. My way of choosing heading is to list the different management methods used and then have a separate heading to bring about the differences and the final heading – conclusion that will sum up the most efficient management method. This is more appropriate to evaluate the answer. My criteria for mark sheet are very strict as it will assess the essay by all means. Following 5 aspects make the criteria of marketing very evident (Boltz, 2003). Appropriateness of the content and relevance to the question .Clear, concise and logical nature of presented content.Grammar and punctuation in the content .Referencing to the content to support the points.

Overall presentation of the essay An essay or an answer is totally based on the 5 aforementioned aspects. In fact, these make the essay complete. For the answer to be marked, I will not only read the answer but also check with the criteria to see if they match rightly. While the five points are the same, the key to assess the sheets would differ from question to question. For this question, the answer is restricted only to the different types of management methods followed by different sized enterprises. The style will also be assessed as a part of the criteria (Stebbins, 2006). This question is specifically into discussion. Hence, the style should involve arguments and compare and contrast points to make the points clear. The mark sheet is prepared based on the criteria as in Appendix 1. The marking will be done for the correctness in accordance to each criterion.