


平权行动可以被定义为一项政策,它是为了有利于在任何文化中受到歧视的群体而制定的。一般来说,对这些人的歧视是在历史时期进行的(garrison&modigliani, 1994)。但是,为了听他们的困境和桥之间存在的不平等和其他人,他们支持的社会活动,如教育、工作和其他社会服务为了提供更好的受教育机会,就业和其他事情(et al尼德勒,2013)。一些平权行动可能包括在招聘过程中指导和针对未成年人的过程。这样做是为了给人们提供更好的工作机会(blanchard&crosby, 2012)。另一个例子包括在大学录取期间平权行动的使用。很长一段时间以来,人们一直注意到,大学一直在为学生提供配额。为了给所有人提供平等的机会,平权行动计划需要确保打破平权行动之间的障碍,确保每个人都得到平等的机会(Hinrichs, 2012)。

根据数据分析,在全国亚太美洲地区,白人男性只占受过大学教育的职场的48%。此外,他们占据了媒体领域总职位的90%左右,约96%的CEO职位和86%的公司高层职位(Kojima, 2012)。正是由于平权行动,社会上的歧视减少了。肯定方案是有益的,因为它有助于把世界从社会弊病中解救出来,以满足少数人的需要。培养那些在入学过程中祖先被分化的学生就是这样一个例子。已经采取了肯定行动,以确保歧视是最低限度的。它在各个方面都帮助少数民族。社会中存在着大量的对不同语境的歧视,这给人们带来了大量的结构性问题。心理和社会因素是平权计划可以消除的因素之一。


Affirmative action can be defined as the policy which has been created in order to favor the groups who has faced discrimination in any culture. In general, the discrimination of these people is done during the historical times (Garrison& Modigliani, 1994). But, in order to listen to their plight and to bridge the inequality which exist between them and the others, they are supported in a number of social activities such as education, job and other social services in order to provide a better access to education, employment and other things (Niederle et al, 2013).Some of the affirmative action may include the process of mentoring and targeting the minors for the process of recruitment. It is done in order to provide the better job opportunities to the people (Blanchard& Crosby, 2012). Another example includes the use of affirmative action during the times of admissions in college. From a long time, it has been observed that the college has been providing quotas for the people. In order to provide equal opportunity to all the people, affirmative action programs are required to ensure that the barriers between the affirmative actions are broken down, and to ensure that each and every person get the equal break (Hinrichs, 2012).

According to the data analysis, in the National Asian and Pacific American region, it was found that the white men consists of only 48% of the college educated workplace. Also, they occupy around 90% of the total jobs in the field of media, around 96% of the CEO positions and 86% of the top positions in the firms (Kojima, 2012). It is because of affirmative action that discrimination in the society has been decreased. Affirmative programs are helpful as it helps in relieving the world from the social ills in order to match the needs of the minority. Bringing up the students whose ancestors were differentiated in admission process is one such example.Affirmative actions have been implemented in order to ensure that the discrimination is the minimum. It helps the minorities in each and every context. In the society there exists a large number of discrimination on different contexts which had led to a large number of structural problems for the people. Psychological and Social factors are the one which can be eliminated by affirmative programs.