


Now that the materials and the shape of the propeller have been explained, there is a need to explain about the configuration of the propeller. In the case of propeller technology, it has been found that they have two possible configurations. These are the X configuration and the + configuration. These are developed based on the primary objective of the propeller technology. From this, the motor of the propeller has been determined. It is found that the rotational movement of the propeller is driven by utilization of the motor. The motor is found to attach itself to the propeller. There have been many kinds of propeller that exist in the markets. The most commonly used is the quadcopter. It has a brushless DC motor. It has been found that they are chosen over the DC motor, owing to the fact that the brushless type has been found to have higher speeds and a much lower power consumption. This is found to be the same during the normal type usage. The efficiency of the brushless kind of motor is found to be higher owing to the fact that there are no power losses in the brush transition within the DC motor. When the DC motor has been analyzed from a cross sectional perspective, it can be understood that there is no brush on the share which take care of the switching the direct of the power in the coils. Added to this, most of the brushless motors have found to have three fixed coils that are mounted to the center of the motors. There are a number of magnets that have a cylindrical rod which is attached to the rotating shaft. There is no real need for the brush in these motors owing to their configuration. These are the fundamental principles of the motors in the propeller. In the following section, there will be discussion of the propeller torque effect in detail. The related variables in contention is also discussed in detail in the following.

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