


Therefore, the question remains the same as whether companies should mention their place of origin or not in international advertising campaigns. As mentioned earlier, a variety of responses and these responses vary depending upon the cultural aspects of the target audience. As highlighted that sometimes people hold grudges and negative sentiments against any nation that hamper their decision-making ability by affecting the purchase process. In contrast, in some regions imported items are viewed as a status symbol and are highly preferred in the local markets over local brands.
Hence, to conclude, it is crucial for any organization while devising an advertising campaign, to study the local cultural aspects shaping the market dynamics, as how local target groups perceive the image of the country of origin. This basic understanding will help them to finalize the contents that need to display or not in their international advertising campaigns, so as not to face any negativity during the product launch from the local groups. All these aforementioned variables play a crucial role in the product’s success.

Nevertheless, the question arises as how far the company must adopt its procedures, products and practices to local tastes and preferences to be successful. Once again, it is very difficult to arrive at a single set of answers and reach a consensus, as we will get varied response form different researches and studies. To ease up the analytical procedure, let us assume that the company, while entering internationally can have two primary objectives or goals in their strategic model, that are, either to maintain the generic version of the product itself, or to customize the product as per local tastes, needs, demands and preferences. Let us critically evaluate both these objectives in detail to acquire a basic understanding of the subject statement under observation.

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