

essay代写-FDI在中国能源消费中的作用。从1997到2008年,超过60%的利用外商直接投资都来自第二部门,与只有1.5%的主要部门(1998 – 2009年中国统计年鉴,中国),据《中国城市统计年鉴》(2006 – 2009),第二产业的FDI流入量达532.5624亿人,占总数的57.63%。这些统计数据可以在一定程度上解释FDI对中国能源消费的负面影响,这是因为FDI中大部分是制造业,加剧了能源需求。在过去的几年里,中国的GDP占GDP的比重和外商直接投资占GDP的比重平均为2.5%,但仍然不低,因为这很容易用中国的整体经济规模来解释,中国是仅次于美国的世界第二大经济体(Frey 2014)。联合国贸发会投资与企业司司长张德铭表示,除了FDI构成因素外,报告还应考虑中国政府的因素,“服务业FDI增加,制造业增长放缓。”“在近年来投资导向转向的背景下,持续的高能耗值得人们深思,无论是政府的法律法规,还是中国的能源审计制度,都还有一些地方需要进一步完善。

On the other hand, China has not attracted foreign investment based on cheap labor only. The nation’s foreign investment provides foreign investors with incentives such as duty and in various instances has signed free trade treaties with various business partners. However, one of the areas where the company has managed to attract investor is the transparency in account auditing. Strict accounting laws protect companies from falling victims of corporate fraud and promote best accounting practice (Frey 2014). Based on these investment motivations, large to small industries have shifted their manufacturing activities partially and fully to China. The increased presence of foreign companies as well as the important role their investment plays in the economic growth of the has forced the Mainland and Hong Kong governments to implement energy policies that would sustain environmental conservation while at the same maintaining increasing level of foreign investment.

From the point of energy structure, China has become the top one coal produces and top one coal importer (IEA key World Energy Statistics), which has earned the nation a bad international reputation as to the nation’s environment ethics (Yusuf and Brooks, 2010), As China still be considered as an environmentally insensitive nations, new findings shows that the energy industry as influenced by a reliable auditing environment has influenced the shift from black energy to green energy. The concerns of various environmentally sensitive groups have pointed that China’s continued use of non-renewable energy to grow the economy has far reaching challenges to the social order than the effect of growing economy (BP 2015). The perspectives on how to sustain a livable environments from these groups has contributed to efforts aimed at curbing the environmental threat while at the same time sustaining industrial and economic development. Regarding to what is the relationship between FDI (Foreign direct investment) in China and increasing energy consumption cannot keep the manifestation of the view; so GDP (Gross domestic product) need to be introduced to analysis as an intermediary. In the past of 20 years, FDI growth impressively especially for developing countries, has increased more than 12-fold (World Bank, 1999), until now FDI has been deemed as the engine of GDP growth and economy development, account for more than 60 percent of private capital flows (Carkovic and Levine, 2005 and World Bank, 2006). By considering the circumstance of China, According to the data taken from China Regional Economy (1996) by SSB and data from China Statistical Yearbook (1997, 1998 and 1999) By SSB, from inland to coastal areas, the growth rate of GDP in proportion to the shares of FDI in China, also based on Chinese official estimation, direct or indirect contributions by foreign-invested enterprises contributed to approximately quarter of average GDP growth rate during the period 1980-99. Quite a large portion of GDP came from FDI, while this part of FDI-led GDP distributed in what sector need to be concern, through the statistics of China Industry-Business Council, a large amount of capital been invested in the field of Building, Textile, or some other kind of high energy-consumption section. It implies that FDI seems be a reason to push forward to the issue of increasing consumption of energy to some extent with bring the benefit of economy.

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