

多伦多论文代写-多伦多的公共艺术。多伦多文化遗产的一个非常重要的部分是它的公共艺术,它在城市的历史上找到了一个重要的位置。多伦多的公共艺术收藏最早可以追溯到19世纪末,罗伯特•里德(Robert Reid)于1870年建造的加拿大志愿军战争纪念碑(Canadian Volunteers War Memorial)等艺术作品就是其中之一。在过去的50年里,多伦多的公共艺术景观得到了极大的发展。新的艺术家得到了接纳,新的媒介和政策得到了发展,新的资金来源也得到了创造。然而,公共艺术的发展主要集中在城市的一些社区。只有某些艺术形式被优先于其他形式。本研究对多伦多公共艺术的发展趋势进行了分析。

The Monument to Multiculturalism: It is a public art piece created by Francesco Perilli and is situated at the front of the Union Station at 65 Front Street West. The structure was unveiled in 1985 by the then mayor of Toronto and fitted completely with the Beaux-Art Architecture Style of the Union Station building (Desai & Darts 2016). It is often called as “Symbol of Multiculturalism” which reinforces what the city has presently evolved into. The structure represents a man who is positioned at the centre of a globe and joins two of the many meridians of the globe. The remaining meridians are held by doves who are themselves symbols of peace. Symbolically, the doves are designed to bring out the cultural vitality of the people who construct a new world which is based on the principles of respect and dialogue.

Figure- Monument to Multiculturalism” by Francesco Perilli, circa 1985
The Flight Stop- it was unveiled in 1979 and is a permanent sculpture installed at the Toronto Eaton Centre which is a well-known shopping mall situated in the downtown. The sculpture is designed so as to create a hanging appearance for a Galleria which is sky lit (Cohen & Ries 2009). It is made in a fashion so as to be viewed from several storeys of the mall and from the corridor at the ground floor. The sculpture creates a naturalistic appeal that lends a much attractive appearance to the mall. It is daily viewed by the thousands of visitors to the mall which is one of the busiest among the city’s many malls.

The top most public art in Toronto is highly secure and visible to all once at a glance. The list of methods of installations is very impressive and long, but probably they were stuck in every day’s job routine. Canada is the biggest city of contribution to humanity and urbanity in mythology. In Toronto, there are many public art installations, among which one of them is the Robertson Bio wall at the Robertson Building. It is a hub for especially promoting the social changes (“The Top 10 Public Art Installations in Toronto” 2017). There is an intervention of echo with a twenty-four square meter wall completely covered with several plant lives. The bio wall is consists of different flowering plants and exotic green power stations. This innovative type of building protects the pollutants from the harsh temperature which give it better longevity in a conservative roof.

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