


科内尔里昂是法国文艺复兴时期肖像画的着名画家。他是一位出生于荷兰的法国艺术家,他大多在法国执业,并且由于出生地海牙,他的出生国荷兰依然注意到Corneille de La Haye。尽管他是法国文艺复兴时期活跃的最优秀的画家之一,但他的生活,工作和风格却很少。高奈被任命为亨利二世宫廷的官方画家和首席。他的确切出生年份尚未确定,但他被指出在1575年去世前一直活跃。他的作品主要集中在Dauphine的皇室遗产成员的各种肖像上,他获得了他的赞助。作为肖像画家,他的作品中显示了解剖学相似的细节,这是一个高度归因于文艺复兴时期逻辑精神的特征。

“后来被称为高奈里昂的Corneille de la Haye将他的大部分工作生活花在了文艺复兴时期的法国人身上,首先是作为宫廷画家的埃莉诺女王,其次是弗朗索瓦一世的妻子,最后是一位主要的代客和法庭画家亨利二世,他在1548年被选为Peintre du Roi“(三本25)。 Corneille de Lyon大多生产几乎微缩尺寸的照片,范围从明信片到8“×10”大小。艺术家最着名的绘画作品是’梅林德圣格莱肖像’,’不明男子肖像’,’亨利二世肖像’,’凯瑟琳德美第奇肖像’,’女人肖像’, Corneille de Lyon大部分在油画和油画上工作。


Corneille De Lyon was a notable painter of portraits of the French Renaissance period. He was a Dutch-born French artist who mostly practiced in France and still noted in his birth nation Netherlands as Corneille de La Haye, owing to his birthplace The Hague. Though being one of the finest painters, active during the French Renaissance era, sources of his life, work and style are scanty. Corneille was appointed the official painter and the chief in the court of Henry II. His exact year of birth is unidentified but he was noted to be active until his death in 1575. His works were mainly focused on various portraits of the members of the royal heritage of Dauphine, whose patronage he received. Being a portrait painter, minute details of anatomical resemblance is evident in his works, a feature highly attributed to the logical spirit of the Renaissance.

“Corneille de la Haye, later came to be known as Corneille de Lyon and spent most of his working life in the Renaissance spirited France, firstly as court painter to Queen Eleanor, secondly to wife of François I, finally as a chief valet and court painter to Henri II, by whom he was elected Peintre du Roi in the year1548” (Sambon 25). Corneille de Lyon mostly produced pictures of almost miniature scale, which ranged from postcard to 8”*10” in size. The most notable paintings attributed to the artists are ‘Portrait of Mellin de Saint-Gelais’, ‘Portrait of a Unknown Man’, ‘Portrait of Henry II’, ‘Portrait of Catherine de’ Medici’, ‘Portrait of a Woman’, etc. Corneille de Lyon most worked with oil on canvas and wood panels.