


人机交互是人类与计算机交互的模态。视觉通道、听觉通道、触觉通道和运动影响这些主要的相互作用。这些通道中使用的信息存储在内存中。从内存存储中启动和完成任务。研究发现,视觉分析工具有助于创建信号通路、转导通路、图像分析和高分辨率图像的创建(Ware, 2012)。它们还为在机器和机器人中开发人工智能铺平了道路。然而,计算机不能模仿人类的实际行为。与人相比,计算机从整体的角度了解情况的范围是有限的。在这个过程中,有一个要求的成分和它的安排是准确的,使它正确烹饪。正如前面提到的,在这个过程中,视觉感知是一个整体(Rayner, 2012)。对于视觉感知,外围视觉包括扫描、图案匹配、色彩匹配和立体因素,从整体的角度来理解问题。在这个视觉感知的概念中,个体具有特殊的运动功能,使他们能够理解物体的形状一致性和空间分布(Rayner, 2012)。
它们使人能够模仿类似的趋势,分析鱼饼的大小和体积是否相似。它能帮助我们理解这道菜。它还允许人们模仿图案,创造新的空间相似性。这种技能能使个体发展出侧性。它还允许理解空间分布以及它们应该如何组织。运动技能、手眼协调和黄斑协调都是由视觉感知发展而来的。烹饪、写作、驾驶都需要高级的视觉感知技能。个体通过这种视觉感知形成意识形态,并使自己符合情境的现有需求(Rayner, 2012)。在这个特殊的案例场景中,可以发现,对于特定的鱼饼烹饪,涉及到高级的视觉感知技能。然而,在现实中,当一个人烹饪时,所有的感官都在发挥作用。它包括视觉、味觉、触觉和嗅觉。这在人机交互中是无法模仿的。


Human computer interaction is the modals through which humans interact with the computers. Visual channel, auditory channel, haptic channel and movement influence these primary interactions. The information that is utilized in these channels is stored in memory. From the memory storage the tasks are initiated and completed. It has been found that visual analysis tools help in creation of signal pathways, transduction pathway, image analysis and creation of high-resolution images (Ware, 2012). They also pave the pathway in developing of artificial intelligence in machines and robots. Nevertheless computers cannot mimic the actual behaviour of humans. When compared to people, computers have limited scope of understanding about the situation from a holistic angle.In this process there is a requirement for the ingredients and its arrangements to be precise for it to cook properly. As mentioned early for this process visual perception is integral (Rayner, 2012). For visual perception peripheral vision, scanning, pattern matching, colour matching and stereoscopic factors are encompassed to understand about the issue from a holistic angle.In this notion of visual perception the individuals have specialized motor functions that enables them to understand the shape conformities and the spatial distribution of the objects (Rayner, 2012).
They enable a person to copy similar trends, analyse if the fish cakes are of similar size and volume. It enables in understanding about the dish. It also allows people to mimic the patterns and create new spatial similarities. This skill enables individuals to develop laterality. It also allows in understanding about spatial distribution and how they should be organized. Motor skills, eye hand coordination and general macular coordination develop from visual perception. Cooking, writing, driving requires advanced develop skills in visual perception. From this visual perception individuals forms ideologies and conform themselves to the existing requirements of the situation (Rayner, 2012). In this particular case scenario it can be found that for the particular cooking of fish cakes there is advanced levels of visual perception skills that are involved. Nevertheless in reality when a person cooks all the senses are in function. It includes sight, taste, touch and smell. This cannot be mimicked in Human computer interactions.