





During the early phases of the lives, learning about sex-roles takes place amongst women and men and it could change into an attitude which could create difficulties later in the work life. Most of the people would agree to the fact that discrimination against women is unlawful and improper and must not be tolerated at all. Many women nonetheless have been continued to be discriminated at their workplace.
Employers as a rational people look to put a right individual for the correct job; for instance, employers prefer attractive women when the work requires appearing on advertisements and public relations. This is because of the fact that they act as a good marketers and helps in selling of their products. However, preference is given to men in case the work is related to manual labor, production and technicality work (Ackler 1990).

There are few employers who are of the opinion that because of the intermittent and truncated breaks for child rearing and bearing the cost of employing women is higher and comparatively the productivity of the female employees is low. Women at times are questioned regarding their competency and also regarding their family responsibilities which might impact their performance at work. In decision to employ women at work, these beliefs pose specific challenges (Wayne 1995). The choice of an employer to employ either mainly men or mainly women or choice of an individual to accept work in a particular occupation is influenced by social values and learned cultural values which many times discriminate against women. Largely, the preference is determined by learned, gender related factors which differentiate occupations as female and male.