



X-technologies的营销重点必须是通过与客户建立价值关系,并继续努力建立品牌知名度,以实现长期成功和业务可持续性(Alhawari, 2015),从而实现增加销售、留住客户的目标。营销经理必须明白,将提高品牌认知度作为主要营销指标目标的唯一重点和投资并不是一种建议稳定的技术。考虑比单纯的品牌意识更能影响顾客的购买决定。此外,仅仅创造知名度并不能转化为销量,它也不是预测未来销量的有效指标。通常情况下,当市场营销人员为了提高他们的品牌认知度而过度创新时,他们最终会忽视他们的品牌特征。这使得消费者的意识具有很强的欺骗性。因此,X-technologies必须采取促进其销售的策略,并确保与客户建立字符串关系(Lenskold, 2016)。


As per the theoretical marketing funnel , the brand awareness is the first phase, i.e. the potential customer must be aware of the brand and its products. The placement of the product is done in this phase keeping the potential customers as target. X-technologies has already done this job with considerable of their marketing budget. Though the mistake done by the company is that they have only focused on increasing brand awareness. Only awareness without the advantage of assisting customers to reach the stage of consideration and finally the purchase would eventually result to a short life-span. Soon the level of awareness would descent again to the earlier levels, contrary to the believes of the marketing manager at X-technologies. The company needs appropriate ongoing marketing and advertising mechanism for ensuring that the awareness is sustained. Apart from this, the focus must be to increase the sales for the company.

The focus of the marketing for the X-technologies must be to secure the objectives of increasing sales, retention of customers by creating value relationships with them and continuing the efforts to build brand awareness with an object of long term success and sustainability of the business (Alhawari, 2015). The marketing manager must understand that the sole focus and investment in increasing the brand awareness as a primary marketing metric goal is not a suggestable technique. Consideration is a higher metric than the mere brand awareness to impact the customer’s purchase decisions. Moreover, solely creating awareness does not convert into sales volumes and it’s also not an effective indicator to predict future sales. Often when the marketers tend to be over creative to create higher awareness for their brand, they end up ignoring their brand characteristics. This makes awareness highly deceptive for the customers. Therefore, X-technologies must adopt the strategies that give boost to its sales and ensure that a string relationship is established with the customers (Lenskold, 2016).