


The issue of workforce management and related human resource management aspects has been one of the major challenges for the corporate in New Zealand. The companies have been struggling to battle the economic downturn and lack of attractiveness of the economy for the investors. As a result of this, some challenges have developed that have impacted productivity. One such issue is the workforce management and development of management skills. The review is being conducted for the article by Hutchison and Boxall for examining the critical challenges that are being faced by the management of different corporate in New Zealand.
Relevant Thesis Statement
The article by Hutchison and Boxall focuses on examination of the critical challenges being faced by higher management of organizations in New Zealand. As mentioned in the articlethe issues that need to be addressed are the outcomes of the decline in attractiveness of the economy for the investor. Various factors have been discussed in the article showing that the economy has been facing various challenges with respect to demand, resources and access to markets. These have been the reasons for limited growth opportunities.
This limited growth has resulted in limited opportunities for the employees. There have been many adverse effects that have to be challenged related to low level of job satisfaction. One of this is inability of the New Zealand firms to retain their employees who prefer migrating to other regions where there is more stability and growth prospects. This results in lack of development of management skills due to lack of availability of experienced managers and lack of ability to retain experienced managers.

There are several aspects that can be targeted based on the theoretical concepts. Some of these include motivation, leadership and job satisfaction. The theoretical concepts with respect to each of these have been discussed.

Firstly considering motivation, the most studied theoretical model is Need Hierarchy Theory by Maslow. According to this theory there are five different types of needs that the individual want to satisfy. These theories are in particular order. The needs are categorized as Physiological, Safety, Social, Esteem and Self Actualization. The personnel in corporate in New Zealand are most concerned about fulfillment of safety and social and thus tend to move towards safer regions. Another theory is Two Factor Theory given by Herzberg. According to this theory the factors that can impact the performance are categorized as Hygiene factors and Motivators (Jiang et al., 2012). The salary and work conditions are hygiene factors i.e. related to dissatisfaction while achievement, responsibility and growth are motivators. It is due to dissatisfaction that managers are leaving the organizations.

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