


自古以来,视觉就被认为是最重要的感官。柏拉图认为,视觉是人类最大的礼物(Jay, 1994)。视觉位于感官层次的最顶端。“视觉和听觉现在是具有特权的社交感官,而其他三种感官则被认为是仅具有私人功能的古老感官残余,它们通常受到文化密码的抑制”(Pallasmaa, 1996)。因此,建筑设计必须满足这些感官。建筑师不仅要注重建筑和空间的美观设计,更要创造出感官体验平衡的空间。建筑师主要关注的是视觉上的诱惑,但他们可能缺乏感官的平衡。建筑不应该变成感官的减少(Bright, Cook, and Harris, 2004)。黑暗和阴影是感知的基本元素,因为它们能够理解空间和强度。“在伟大的建筑空间里,有一种持续的、深沉的光影气息;阴影吸入,光照呼出,光”(帕拉斯玛,1996)。
阴影在其他形式的感官背后也有强大的力量。莫里斯·梅洛-庞蒂(Maurice Merleau-Ponty)认为,“视力是一种有形的视觉,是世界结构的有形部分”(庞蒂,1964)。帕拉斯玛也说过,视觉将我们与世界分开,而其他的感官与他结合(帕拉斯玛,1996)。视力是孤立的,是定向的(外部性)。(Pallasmaa, 2011)除了建筑,阴影在不同的区域也扮演着重要的角色。据谷崎俊一郎在《赞美阴影》一书中说,阴影和日本料理密不可分。他写道“当yoken在漆盘…就好像非常黑暗的房间里融化在你的舌头……古代艺妓的发黑的牙齿和她墨绿色的嘴唇,以及她的白色涂脸,,旨在强调房间的黑暗和阴影”(帕拉斯马可能,2012)。


Since early times, vision is considered as the most important sense. According to Plato, vision is the greatest gift of humanity (Jay, 1994). Sight or vision is on the top most position on the hierarchy of the senses. “Vision and hearing are now the privileged sociable senses, whereas the other three are considered archaic sensory remnants with a merely private function, and they are usually suppressed by the code of culture” (Pallasmaa, 1996). Thus, architectural designs must please these senses. The architects should not only focus on designing the building and spaces beautifully, but also they should create the spaces which are balanced in creating sensory experience. Mainly, architects focus on the designs, which are visually alluring, but they may lack balance of senses. The architecture should not be turned into a sensory reduction (Bright, Cook, and Harris, 2004).Darkness and shadows are essential elements for the sense as they enable to understand, space and intensity. “In great spaces of architecture, there is a constant, deep breathing of shadow and light; shadow inhales, and illumination exhales, light” (Pallasmaa, 1996).
Shadows have also great hand behind other forms of senses.According to Maurice Merleau-Ponty, “eyesight is an embodied vision and an embodied part of the fabric of world” (Ponty, 1964). Pallasmaa has also stated that the sight separates us from the world, while the rest of the senses join him (Pallasmaa, 1996). Eyesight isolates and eyesight is directional (externality). (Pallasmaa, 2011)Other than architecture, shadows also play an important role in the different areas. According to Junichiro Tanizaki’s In Praise of Shadows, he stated that shadows and Japanese cooking are inseparable. He wrote “when yoken is served in a lacquer dish… it is as if the very darkness of the room were melting on your tongue… In olden times the blackened teeth of the geisha and her green-black lips, as well as her white painted face, where intended to emphasize the darkness and shadows of the room” (Pallasmaa, 2012).