


我认为有一些个人特质需要我进一步的发展。这些属性是按优先级的时间导向,有效地与团队成员沟通,并有助于健康的讨论(Laguador 2015)。每一个特质,一旦养成,将有助于我提高我的就业能力和未来的可能性。这是因为越来越多的组织正在转向虚拟化,他们更喜欢自己的团队在虚拟环境中表现良好。科技在很大程度上改变了我们的沟通方式。因此,通过参与讨论和博客写作来培养健康的沟通是有益的。在未来,作为一名市场研究和咨询师,只有当我意识到激励的重要性时,我才会成功。我寻求提供这些属性和技能,通过确保对技术的实际使用,并接受它,同时作为团队成员学习确定方向,从而将弱点描述为我的优势(Makki等,2015年)。由于我没有经验,我的技能应该能够在其他有抱负的人面前以最好的竞争方式代表我,从而根据我的喜好增加被录用的机会。
作为团队项目的一部分,团队成员互相了解,并且每个人都能听到每个人的想法。然而,为了使他们的想法超越他们试图提出他们的观点作为优越。根据塔克曼的团队发展阶段,一个团队需要经历四个不同的阶段,包括规范阶段、形成阶段、风暴阶段和形成阶段。我们的团队也经历了这些阶段。直到我们的团队进入规范化阶段,我才开始作为一个个体面对困难(Riley-Douchet et al . 1997)。我相信这是因为我不习惯让别人拒绝我的想法,我在倾听别人的时候也有问题。然而,我们的组长非常好,他帮助我们完成了这个项目。我们团队的领导者在大多数情况下选择了一种变革型的领导方式,使他在各种情况下都具有灵活性。我认为这是我们能够成功完成项目的唯一原因,也是领导能够把团队团结起来,高效工作的唯一原因。


I think there are some personal attributes that require further development in me. These attributes are time orientation as per priority, communicating effectively with team members and contributing towards healthy discussions (Laguador 2015). Each of these is such attribute that once fostered will help me enhance my employment ability and probability in future. This is because more and more organizations are turning virtual and they prefer their teams to perform well in a virtual environment. Technology has changed the way we communicate to a large extent. Therefore, fostering healthy communication through taking part in discussions and blog writing will prove to be beneficial. In future, as a marketing research and a consultant, I will be successfully only when I realize the importance of being motivated. I seek to furnish these attributes and skills depicting weakness into my strengths by ensuring pragmatic use of technology and embracing it along with learning to orient as a team member (Makki et al 2015). As I have no experience, my skills should be able to represent me in the best possible competitive manner in front of other aspirants so as to increase the chance of getting employed as per my preference.
The team members got to know one another as a part of the group project and at most every individual heard to everyone. However, in order to get their idea above they tried to put forth their view as superior. As per the team development of stage by Tuckman, there are four different stages by which a team has to go by including norming, forming, storming and forming. These were the stages our team also went through. It was only when our team reached the norming stage that I started to face difficulties as an individual (Riley-Douchet et al 1997). I believe it was because of the fact that I was not used to getting my ideas rejected by others and I had problems listening to others. However, our team leader was very good who helped us to complete the project. Leader of our team at most of times chose a transformational kind of leadership which rendered him flexibility under various kinds of situation. I am of the view that this was the sole reason why we were able to complete the project successfully and the leader was capable of putting together team and working efficiently.