


There should be more and more use of social media in the organizations for the purpose of employee engagement. This is useful as it helps in the improvement in the employee collaboration and communication and promotion of the participation of the employees which may lead to the increase in the levels of employee engagement. In addition to this, the use of social media can be done by the use of the portals such as blogs and wikis and other communication platforms available on these websites. It can be identified that the success of social media in having a rapid increase and the employee engagement is largely dependent the use of social media within the organization. Therefore, it is recommended that each and every company uses the social media for the professional development of the employees. It is also recommend to the employees that they show interest in the use of social media for the purpose of employee engagement. The organizations should also promote an organizational culture which promotes the open communication in the organization.

In this research, the required evidence has been provided for the ways in which the social media can be used within the organizations in order to engage with the potential future and the present employees. For the purpose of engagement with the employees social media can prove to be a very effective medium for the employees in an effective manner. In this research paper, the discussion has been focused on the in-depth analysis of the use of social media for the number of purposes. It has been identified that the social media technology can have the potential to increase the overall internal communication within the company among different levels such as the employees and the managers and other people. In this paper, there has been an analysis on the employee engagement through social media. Further research can be done for the purpose of providing a more in-depth analysis of the effectiveness of social media in the company for the purpose of such as employee engagement and recruitment. The research has been completed by doing the research on the employees and their engagement.

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