


在毛泽东和中国共产党的领导下,大跃进或大跃进是有动力的。毛泽东在上世纪50年代初进行的这次大飞跃,促使他相信中国必须更多地关注他们的工业和农业。大跃进更具体地计划在这周围。毛泽东认为,将现代农业工具和小公社的形成相结合,是一个必要的因素。公社内的人们开始为公社工作(Benson, 2002;许,1995)。所有的成年人都在工作,他们的需要得到了公社的照顾。他们为公社做贡献,而公社是一个运转良好的单位。有超过7亿人被安置在公社,后院的生产计划和更多的被鼓励。它的目的是确保生产和工业创新蓬勃发展,直到1958年,看起来这些计划都实现了。然而,精心制定的计划的问题在很久以后就显现出来了,其中一些问题与计划有关,有些则与天气、经济状况等有关。

1958年以后,公社的一些目标非常崇高。政治野心走到了最前线,人们对他们计划做的事情没有给予太多实际的评价(Mackerras, 1998)。党内官员对不可能的事情进行了命令,那些不能服从官方命令的人被称为反动分子。农业机械以一种快速的方式生产,但它的生产方式却开始缺乏质量。这些年来,工人被虐待,这导致了工作场所的危险。在这一点上,建筑也很不规范。除了人们之外,为了推动工业化(Chesneaux, 1979),煤炭储备等能源储备也被扑灭。


The Great leap forward or the Great leap was motivated under the leadership of Mao Zedong and the Communist Party of China. The motivations for the great leap were the tour undertaken by Mao in the early 1950s that led him to believe China must focus more on their industries and agriculture. The Great Leap forward was more specifically planned around this. Mao believed that incorporating modern tools for agriculture and formation of smaller communes to plan this around would be a needed element. People within communes started working for the communes (Benson, 2002; Hsu, 1995). All adults worked and their needs were taken care of by communes. They contribute to the communes and the communes worked as a well-oiled unit. With more than 700 million people being placed in the communes, back yard production plans and more were encouraged. The intention was to ensure production and industrial innovation thrived, and until the 1958, it looked like the plans were coming true. However, the problems of the well laid out plans came to effect much later, some of these problems lay with the plan and some with the weather, economic situations, etc.

After 1958, some of the goals set for communes were very lofty. Political ambitions came to the forefront and people did not give much practical evaluation to the things they were planning to do (Mackerras, 1998). Party officials were ordering for impossible things and people who were not able to follow the official’s orders were termed as being reactionary. Farm machinery was produced in a fast manner but then it was produced in such a way that it started to lack quality. Workers were abused over the years and this led to situations of work place hazards. Buildings were also very substandard at this point. In addition to people, the energy reserves such as the coal reserves and more were also extinguished for the sake of driving industrialization (Chesneaux, 1979).