

代写-网站主要新闻来源和公关技巧。Sane Security和facebook的网页更像是一种社会宣传手段。健全的安全可以说是嵌入了一些公关方法的元素,因为博主肯定想要为他们的博客带来流量,同样的,对于那些创建了FB页面的人来说,为网页带来流量将是主要的动机。然而,在这两种情况下,必须说,他们似乎没有关联与更多的商业动机与德勤和idCare将使用这些信息表示的公关,所以相对水平,这些网站不使用信息作为公关。他们不仅提出了类似于发票诈骗的问题,他们还提出了其他方式,其中的身份信息被骗和收集的黑客。这里的主要新闻被idCare以某种方式使用它增加了idCare想要呈现的新闻价值。这是一种公关方式。与其他《先驱报》等新闻媒体网站,专注于提出问题发现在工业和被骗的人的话说,等网站idCare似乎更关注新闻如何受益的消息他们想,他们的客户,最终他们的业务。论文范文代写-网站主要新闻来源和公关技巧分享给留学生阅读。

They present not only the issues similar to the invoice scam, they also present other ways where id information is scammed and collected by hackers. So here the main news has been used by idCare in a way that it augments the news values that idCare wants to present. This is a form of PR approach. Unlike the other news media sites such as the Herald that focused on presenting the issues as noticed in the industry and from the words of the people who were scammed, the websites such as idCare seem to be focused more on how the news can benefit the news they want to present, their customers and ultimately their business.

Sane Security and the FB web page have more of a social propaganda approach. Sane Security can be said to have some elements of PR approach embedded as the blogger would definitely want to drive traffic to their blogs and similarly in the case of the people who have created the FB pages, driving traffic to the web page would hence be primary motivation. However, in both cases, it has to be said that they seem to not be associated with more of a commercial motive as compared to Deloitte and idCare which would be using such information representation for PR, so on a relative level, these sites do not use information as PR. News media such as that of Oataga Daily, the Herald, the News Media and more are focused on presenting information more critically. As in the case of the Herald, the news has been presented from a direct victim which makes the news much more trustworthy as compared to the rest. Websites such as the ACCC are for the country of Australia and yet some of the information that are presented as seen to be on the same issues as these countries supposedly face the invoice scams about the same time. Coming from authoritative government agencies, the news has more credibility and can be assumed to be less of a PR value.

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