


Internet是指将人们连接起来的系统或联系的电子网络,以及通过数字设备使人们之间易于通信的巨大信息池。互联网对世界各地的媒体做出了不可思议的贡献,任何人都可以创造、获取和传播信息(查德威克和2003年5月)。今天,有超过20.8亿互联网用户,在不同的搜索引擎查找信息,推特在推特上,创建社会群体在MySpace和Facebook等社交网站(SNS),分享和观看视频、玩网络游戏,购物在各种电子商务平台,像亚马逊和eBay和访问当前新闻来自世界各地(吉尔伯特,Balestrini Littleboy,2004)。毫无疑问,互联网对生活的几乎每一个领域都产生了巨大的影响,特别是政治、商业和文化,它在社会以及政治中的重要性不断上升。互联网作为一种强大的和革命性的媒介,既是民主的福音也是民主的祸害(Gilbert, Balestrini, and little leboy, 2004)。

本文强调互联网在加强政治和公共领域的重要性,并探讨其作为一种加强民主的工具的潜力。在文章的后面部分,还分析了互联网如何导致民主衰落的各种因素。进一步地,根据文章中提出的陈述已经得出结论。许多学者认为,互联网极大地丰富了民主和公共领域。对于大多数研究者来说,互联网影响着民主进程的参与,即政治参与。万维网使任何能够上网的人都能很容易地看到各种政府文件,观察选民的行为,评估活动人士传播信息的方式,并分析各种政治运动的战略和内容。它允许一个消息灵通的选民群体,直接影响选民的决定,因为许多人现在已经开始转向社会网络的各种来源的互联网来讨论一些政治问题(Goniewicz, Lingas, and Hajek, 2013)。除此之外,互联网上的政治信息来源也是惊人的。许多学者认为,互联网对民主和政治沟通的各个过程有实质性的积极影响(Goniewicz, Lingas, and Hajek, 2013)。


Internet refers to the electronic web of the systems or linkages that connect people, as well as the vast pools of information through digital devices allowing easy communication among them. Internet has incredibly contributed to the media around the world, and anyone with access can create, gain and disseminate information (Chadwick and May, 2003). Today, there are more than 2.08 billion internet users, looking up information on various search engines, tweeting on Twitter, creating social groups over social networking sites (SNS) like MySpace and Facebook, sharing and watching videos, playing online games, shopping on various ecommerce platforms like Amazon and eBay, and accessing current news from across the world (Gilbert, Balestrini, and Littleboy, 2004). The internet, beyond a shadow of a doubt, has vast impact on almost each sphere of life, especially politics, business and culture and its importance in society, as well as in politics has continued to rise. The Internet, as a powerful and a revolutionary medium, is both a boon and a bane for democracy (Gilbert, Balestrini, and Littleboy, 2004).

This essay stresses the importance of the Internet in the enhancement of politics and the public sphere and examines its potential as a tool to strengthen democracy. In later parts of the essay, various factors on how the Internet can contribute to the decline of democracy have also been analysed. Moving further, conclusions have been drawn as per the statements presented in the essay. Many scholars claim that the Internet contributes to the enrichment of democracy and the public sphere in a great way. As per a majority of researchers, the Internet influences participation in the democratic process i.e. political participation. The World Wide Web makes it easy for anyone with Internet access to view various government documents, observe the voters’ behaviour, assess the ways in which activists disseminate their messages, and analyse the strategies and content of various political campaigns. It allows for a well-informed voting population and directly impacts the voters’ decisions as scores of people have now started turning to social networking over various sources of the internet to discuss a number of political issues (Goniewicz, Lingas, and Hajek, 2013). In addition to this, the sources of political information available on the Internet are astounding. Many scholars argue that the Internet has a substantial positive effect on various processes of democratic and political communication (Goniewicz, Lingas, and Hajek, 2013).