


这首诗的主题是清晰地描述一个渔夫的生活,他努力按照自己的日常琐事来结束一天的生活。这个主题代表了一个渔夫在回家之前独自捕鱼的生活的平凡、日常失败的经历、经历和内心的沉思(Barnstone和Chou 76)。这首诗开始于一个渔夫的漫游,描述夕阳的余辉如何落在红叶上。红叶代表夕阳的余晖,余晖落在村庄的西边。落下来的光线的方向说明陆地在西大洋的东边。这条线解释了落日是如何使树叶看起来更红更亮的,这种现象只有在傍晚落日是红色的时候才会出现。诗人在诗中运用光线落在红叶上的修辞手法,使读者了解太阳的光线。
第二行写着“当月亮升起在沙洲上的黄色红色之上时”,代表着与日落的相关性。太阳落山时月亮升起,但在这里,它似乎反映了太阳落山和月亮升起是同时发生的。黄色的芦苇代表着绿色的草,月光的温暖照射在上面。这个场景提出了一个关于那个时代人们生活的问题,捕鱼是主要的还是主要的职业,还是高级职业的附属品。是只有农村居民才有生计,还是其他所有人都有生计?在这样一个隐喻(Hightower and Yeh 108)中,这些线条优美地描述了一个人们甚至没有意识到的简单事件。前两行与乡村生活必然经历的日常自然事件相吻合。


The general theme of the poem is the articulate presentation of happenings in the life of a fisherman, striving to end the day as per his daily chores. The theme represents the mundaneness of life, the experience of daily failure, the experience and the internal musings in the life of a fisherman working alone to catch some fishes before he goes home (Barnstone and Chou 76). The poem starts with the wanderings of a fisherman describing how the evening rays of the setting sun falls on the red leaves. The red leaves indicate the rays of the setting sun, and the rays fall on the west of the village. The direction of the falling rays speaks about the land to be on the east of the westward ocean. The line explains how the setting sun makes the leaves look red and brighter, an occurrence which is rare only to be seen during evening when the setting sun is reddish in color. The poet presents rhetoric in the line by using the rays to be falling on red leaves and makes the reader understand about the rays of the sun.
The second line which says “as the moon rises over yellow reds on the sandbank” presents a correlation with the setting sun. The moon rises when the sun sets, but here it seems to reflect the setting of the sun and the rising of the moon as taking place at the same time. The yellow reeds indicate the green grass over which the warmth of the cooling moon beams throws its light. The setting raises a question about the livelihood of the people of those times, whether fishing was the main or primary occupation or a subsidiary to something superior. Is the livelihood presented only of village residents or of all others as well? The lines are beautifully placed describing such a simple occurrence, which one is not even conscious of, in such a metaphor (Hightower and Yeh 108). The first two lines coincide with the daily natural occurrence that a village life is certain to experience.