


Recommendation for Investment Strategy: In this context, in social media analytics implementation, in order to reap the maximum benefits, it is necessary that DBS is aware of how Business to Consumer B2C and Business to Business B2B could be different. Both forms of communication are different and hence it also follows that the analytics employed are just as different as well. Those consumers that DBS would directly interact with in the case of branches in the Greater China area are different compared to the consumers that DBS would interact with in the case of business communications in Japan or the United Kingdom.

DBS as observed from the case study has made a good leap towards ensuring that its investment in technology has paid off over the years. From a company with worsening share prices in 2009, the company has risen to a point where its net profit is increasing by the fiscal year. As the company terms itself, it has developed ‘digital warriors’ from ‘technology idiots’. This perhaps is the strong technology backup of the company. However, social media analytics is more than just developing the internal resources of the company. As Piyush stated in the case study, the company is threatened with potential new entrants and existing competitors. Some banking companies such as PayPal and We bank and Alipay have threatened to take away much of its business. In this context, in order to both sustain itself from the threats and to continue its expansion ventures, it is essential for DBS to work on its social media strategy.

The report typically attempts to show by use of theory and existing literature evidence, how an investment made in social media analytics would be useful for improving the overall business value. It not only improves the overall business competitiveness, but also offers opportunities to explore for DBS. Using the case study of the DBS bank, this research work uses the arguments made in developing analytics based on B2C and B2B consumer needs for the company. Strengths in the current system of analytics of DBS are identified and also some areas of improvement are identified as well. This would help DBS pioneer in the context of its digital innovations and its objectives alignment.

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