


What knowledge and information about your staff is required to recruit, select and promote equally? This should include skill level and abilities of staff as well as their responsibilities outside of work, to maintain fairness and equity.
The recruitment and selection of the person are dependent on the skills and experience possessed by the individuals. The managers would have a look about whether their skills are appropriate for the job. The things which should be kept in mind when selecting an individual are:
The person should possess the required skills for the job, time spent by the person in different jobs before gaining experience, any legal case running on the candidate, his/her required qualification for the job, satisfactory criminal record and positive image of the candidate (Guion, 2011).
2) How will you manage disputes, interactions and personality clashes to maintain a happy, positive and productive work environment?
A high performing workforce is essential for the workplace and enables the workers to work collaboratively and effectively.
Managing disputes at the workplace can be done as follows:
Through counselling
Coaching and training in conflict resolution
Motivating workers to adapt to different conflicting situations
Timely intervention is positive
Effective stress management policies

Individuals bring myriad characteristics at the workplace by virtues of their personalities, values perceptions and attitudes. These qualities enable to define their behaviour and performance at work. For examples, someone with pleasant personality is comfortable to work with and also enhances team work. However, the negative attitude of the workers leads to everyone withdrawing from his/her company at work. Also when other people have good perception of an individual, it stimulates a positive work environment and enhances the focus and attention of the individual. While when there is negative belief of some individual, it leads to negative thinking of the people, which cannot be eradicated even with the current emotional forces at work (Corey, 2013).

Diversity at the workplace is important for the business to grow and succeed. The ways which can be adopted for effectively managing the diversified workforce and being a “diversity aware manager” are as follows:
Maintaining a brand image: The manager should ensure the portrayal of the company as an effective way for management of diversity of the employees.
Taking affirmative action: The manager should ensure the portrayal of the company values equal opportunity at the workplace.
Acceptance of diversified culture: The manager should ensure the portrayal of the company values and appreciates the diverse nature of the employees.
Maximizing the employees’ performance by eradicating barriers: The manager should ensure the portrayal of the company helps to eradicate the barriers that limit the performance of an individual such as age barriers, cultural barriers and gender barriers and so on.
Hence, the workplace diversity can be managed by implementing the above points.

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