

在本篇代寫論文-《眨眼的比爾》一書的討論分析中,這本書可以看作是科學計劃的一部分。批評者認為,通過視覺和實際應用來教孩子是最好的(McLaren, 2015)。從討論的語境中可以理解,故事中過多的動物會引起他們的興趣。孩子們可以被帶到國家公園或動物園,在那裏他們可以很容易地熟悉他們將在書中讀到的動物。這將激發學齡前兒童的好奇心,這肯定會擴大他們的學習過程(雷諾茲,2014)。他們可以被教動物的名字,並要求畫他們的圖片。這將使幼兒園的教學方法更加有效。對於澳大利亞文化來說,“眨眼的比爾”仍然是一種隱喻性的自然敘述。人類和動物世界之間的這種紊亂關系在這個故事中找到了話語。故事中已經討論過,這些動物將是原始人或托雷斯海峽島民群體需要與世隔絕的土著生活的象征(Burley, 2014)。接下來有關代寫論文-《眨眼的比爾》一書的討論分析如下:

The book could be treated as a part of the science project. Critics are of the opinion that the children the best when they are taught through visual and practical application (McLaren, 2015). It could be understood from the discussed context that the plethora of animals in the story will provoke their interest. The children could be taken to the national park or zoo and there they could be easily acquainted with the animals that they will read in their book. This will provoke the preschool curiosity that will definitely amplify their learning procedure (Reynolds, 2014). They could be taught the animal names and asked to draw their pictures. This would render even more effective in the preschool teaching methods.

Blinky Bill remains a metaphorical narrative of the Nature for Australian culture. This disturbed relationship between human and animal world has found utterance in the story. It has already been discussed in the story that the animals would be a symbolic representation of the originals or Torres Strait islander community needing a secluded indigenous life (Burley, 2014). The exploitation of the Huntsman with the guns documents the flawed judicial system that excluded the indigenous people from the right to justice. The rich bushland is representative of an edenic world free from the corruption of the civilised universe. The story has layered significance which becomes symbolic and representative of different perspectives.

The author has skilfully manifested an interactive platform with the environment and its creatures through her discourse. The elemental world of nature is not objectified, but is manifested as a thinking feeling entity. However, in designing a school curriculum, it is to be critically noted that Cutter Mackenzie was of the opinion that children could be easily tour through digitisation and visualisation. The project wood without taught intentionally through the application of the open ended and modelled play. Experts are of the opinion that students mostly spend that time indoors. It affects their intellect and prevents the growth of their creative faculty. In this manner, children are mostly distanced from the natural environment and they are unable to learn the importance of growing up with nature and in nature. Hence, it is believed that designing this project with the help of a number of activities will provoke the children’s curiosity and encourage the students to take interest in the natural world order.

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