

代寫論文-YouTube用戶生成內容。用戶生成內容定義為平臺用戶在線生成的任何形式的內容(Fan et al., 2013)。它通常不是單獨為營銷而產生的,盡管它被廣泛視為購買決策的一個組成部分,因為營銷人員可以向客戶講述他們的品牌和價值的故事(Shuqair et al., 2016)。這些結果都表明UGC對客戶的影響是巨大的。營銷者通過提供真實的客戶故事來吸引客戶是非常重要的,這與客戶的信任密切相關(Bughin, 2015)。這一發現說明了客戶參與的重要性。

The user engagement degree can be demonstrated by the quantity and quality of posts, views and reviews (Shuqair et al., 2016). However, it is always difficult to evaluate the quality of the UGC, while the quantity is easy to be measured (Hermida and Thurman, 2008). Thus, the quantity of posts, views and reviews can be used to evaluate customer engagement, which reflects the quality of UGC on YouTube. Accordingly, it can be assumed that:
H1: Quantity of posts, views and reviews have an influential effect on the perceived credibility of user generated YouTube product relates content (Anwar and Imran, 2013). Therefore, the consumer hence has an effect on attitude towards brand, product or process for which the UGC content is created when the consumer sees the quantity of posts are high (Akehurst, 2009; Smith et al., 2012; Tirunillai and Tellis, 2012). Similarly, when the views for a post are high, the user attitude towards the product is influenced (Daugherty et al., 2008). In addition, when the reviews for a

It was found that credibility and usefulness are two important factors influencing customers’ attitudes and behaviours (Mir and Zaheer, 2012). The basis of UGC marketing is that customers tend to develop more trust on content generated by other users than the marketers do (Fan et al., 2013). This suggests that customers’ attitudes about the UGC are based on their own judgment and evaluation. In this context, the perceived credibility and perceived usefulness are used as two variables to reflect how user engagement can influence their purchase intentions.
When it comes to consumer attitude, behaviour and intentions, the terminal goal is to evaluate whether customers have purchase intentions (Kim, 2012; Ashley and Tuten, 2015). As demonstrated in Figure 1, it is easy to see that there are five steps of purchase decision making, in each step of which the UGC might influence customers. Such influence might have direct influence on customer’s final purchase intentions. Thus, the evaluation of UCG’s impact on PI can be reflected in these five dimensions.
It can be assumed that: Influence on customers’ purchase intentions can be demonstrated in five dimensions of need recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, conference attendance and conference post-behaviours.
H2: Quantity of posts, views and reviews has a positive effect on the perceived usefulness of user generated YouTube product relates content (Anwar and Rehman, 2013).

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